I am seeking the help of the community. I am working on an evaluation project about schema design in open source applications. While it’s possible for me to download the software of many popular apps, and install the software and then do a mysqldump, it takes time. Quite often there is no simple schema.sql file, but a process for creating the schema. If you are using an open source project, would you take a moment and run the following.
$ mysqldump -u[user] -p --skip-lock-tables --no-data --databases [schema] > [schema].sql
This will only dump the table definitions, and should therefore contain nothing company specific. I have at this time:
- WordPress
- Drupal
- Mediawiki
- OS Commerce
- Joomla
- EzPublish
- PHPWiki
I am open to any projects, and it doesn’t matter if the version is not the most current, what I am seeking is to understand trends. There is a huge list of possibilities including Bugzilla, PHPBB, SugarCRM, Magento, PHPWiki just to name a few.
Your help would be greatly appreciated. You are welcome to add a a comment, or email me at [this domain] with your results.
I am also happy to accept sanitized schemas of any projects, however please ensure no company or propriety specific information is provided.