TDD for Infrastructure

Test Driven Development (TDD) is an important principle for producing quality software. This is not a new concept. The Extreme Programming (XP) agile methodology (1999) outlined the concept before the acronym became more widely accepted as “Another requirement is testability. You must be able to create automated unit and functional tests… You may need to change your system design to be easier to test. Just remember, where there is a will there is a way to test.” Another clear way to describe the hurdles TDD has encountered as a common sense approach is “This is opposed to software development that allows code to be added that is not proven to meet requirements.”

Infrastructure setup is still software. All setup should have adequate testing to ensure at anytime (not just during installation or configuration) any system is in a known state. While Configuration Management (CM) works with the goal of convergence, i.e. ensuring a system is in a known state, testing should be able to validate and identify any non-conformance and not to attempt to correct.

The Bash Automated Test System (BATS) is a known framework for shell scripting. It is very easy to use.

Good habits come from always doing them. Even for a quick test of a running MySQL server via vagrant for a blog post, the automated installation during setup includes validating a simple infrastructure setup via a bats test.

$ tail

sudo mysql -NBe "SHOW GRANTS"
systemctl status mysqld.service
ps -ef | grep mysqld
pidof mysqld
bats /vagrant/mysql8.bats

Rather than having some output that requires a human to read and interpret each line and make a determination, automated it. A good result is:

$ vagrant up
    mysql8: ok 1 bats present
    mysql8: ok 2 rpm present
    mysql8: ok 3 openssl present
    mysql8: ok 4 mysql rpm install
    mysql8: ok 5 mysql server command present
    mysql8: ok 6 mysql client command present
    mysql8: ok 7 mysqld running
    mysql8: ok 8 automated mysql access 

A unsuccessful installation is:

$ vagrant provision
    mysql8: not ok 8 automated mysql access
    mysql8: # (in test file /vagrant/mysql8.bats, line 60)
    mysql8: #   `[ "${status}" -eq 0 ]' failed
The SSH command responded with a non-zero exit status. Vagrant
assumes that this means the command failed. The output for this command
should be in the log above. Please read the output to determine what
went wrong.

$ echo $?

This amount of very simple testing and re-execution of testing either via ssh or a re-provision highlighted a bug in the installation script. Anybody that wishes to identify please reach out directly!

# Because openssl does not always give you a special character
NEWPASSWD="$(openssl rand -base64 24)+"
mysql -uroot -p${PASSWD} -e "ALTER USER USER() IDENTIFIED BY '${NEWPASSWD}'" --connect-expired-password
# TODO: create mylogin.cnf which is more obfuscated
echo "[mysql]
password='$NEWPASSWD'" | sudo tee -a /root/.my.cnf
sudo mysql -NBe "SHOW GRANTS"
systemctl status mysqld.service
ps -ef | grep mysqld
pidof mysqld
bats /vagrant/mysql8.bats

A simple trick with a BATS test is to echo any output that will help debug a failing test. If the test succeeds no output is given, if it fails you get the information for free. For example, lets say your test is:

# Note: additional security to both access the server via ssh
#       and accessing sudo should be in place for production systems
@test "automated mysql access" {
  local EXPECTED="${USER}@localhost"
  run sudo mysql -NBe "SELECT USER()"
  [ "${status}" -eq 0 ]
  [ "${output}" = "${EXPECTED}" ]

Execution will only provide:

 ✗ automated mysql access
   (in test file /vagrant/mysql8.bats, line 62)
     `[ "${output}" = "${EXPECTED}" ]' failed

What you want to see to more easily identify the problem is:

 ✗ automated mysql access
   (in test file /vagrant/mysql8.bats, line 62)
     `[ "${output}" = "${EXPECTED}" ]' failed
   root@localhost != vagrant@localhost

This echo enables a better and quicker ability to correct the failing test.

  [ "${status}" -eq 0 ]
  echo "${output} != ${EXPECTED}"
  [ "${output}" = "${EXPECTED}" ]

Testing is only as good as the boundary conditions put in place. Here is an example where your code used a number of environment variables and your testing process performed checks that these variables existed.

@test "EXAMPLE_VAR is defined ${EXAMPLE_VAR}" {
  [ -n "${EXAMPLE_VAR}" ]

The code was subsequently refactored and the environment variable was removed. Do you remove the test that checks for its existence? No. You should not ensure the variable is not set, so that any code now or in the future acts as desired.

@test "EXAMPLE_VAR is NOT defined" {
  [ -z "${EXAMPLE_VAR}" ]


Setting up Ubuntu using vagrant

As discussed in Setting up an Ubuntu virtual machine using VirtualBox there are several other alternatives to defining an Ubuntu virtual machine. One of these alternatives is using Vagrant.


Vagrant requires the installation of VirtualBox.

Install Vagrant

See Vagrant Downloads for the correct file for your platform.

For Ubuntu, the following commands will download a recent copy and install on your computer.

$ wget
$ sudo dpkg -i vagrant_1.8.1_x86_64.deb

Launching an Ubuntu image

The following commands will initialize an start an Ubuntu 14.04 vagrant instance.

$ vagrant init ubuntu/trusty64
$ vagrant up --provider virtualbox
$ vagrant ssh

You should now be connected to the new virtual machine.

Vagrant creates a port forwarding configuration from your local machine automatically. You can connect via ssh directly with:

ssh vagrant@localhost -p 2222 -i .vagrant/machines/default/virtualbox/private_key

NOTE: Port 2222 may be different if this is already in use. You can verify this via the output of the vagrant up command, for example:

==> default: Forwarding ports...
    default: 22 (guest) => 2222 (host) (adapter 1)

Post configuration

In order to access your vagrant instance with a specific IP address and leverage the recommended devstack instructions you need to add the line to the Vagrantfile in the directory used on your host computer. You also need to set the virtual machine memory to at least 2.5GB to get a minimal devstack operational.

Vagrant.configure(2) do |config| = "ubuntu/trusty64" "private_network", type: "dhcp"
  config.vm.provider "virtualbox" do |v|
    v.memory = 2560

You will then need to restart the vagrant image in order to have a host-only IP assigned to the virtual machine and applicable memory.

$ vagrant reload
$ vagrant ssh
$ ifconfig eth1
$ free -m

This has created a suitable virtual machine ready for Downloading and installing devstack.