Digital Tech Trek Digest [#Issue 2024.12]

Falsehoods programmers believe about time zones

If I told you there was a timezone 30 minutes past the hour, would you believe me? In a small section of Western Australia, there is. However, time zones (TZ) are way more complicated. If you have not missed a meeting due to a TZ mixup, you haven’t worked in a multi-national company or had a meeting in a country with >1 timezone.

I shared this article with several friends, and this response sums it up. “I think documenting failure is as important as celebrating success. Always share what you’ve learned. And adding in humor makes it human.”

PostgreSQL Schema Changes with pg_osc

While Online Schema Change (OSC) has been part of the MySQL ecosystem for decades, evolving from pt-osc (previously MaaKit) to gh-ost and now spirit this is the first time I’ve head of OSC for PostgreSQL. It likely has existed in some form for some time.

Source: LinkedIn

Pricing your product

One key takeaway from the MicroConf Founder-lead Sales event was pricing. “Be transparent and provide a number.” is basically what I noted as the essence. Well, I’m going to track sites that do not offer pricing to evaluate why. My first two entrants are Vanta and CultureAmp. Why is a price not offered? Is it a high-entry point, too complex to articulate easily, a way to charge the customer what they are willing to pay, or perhaps it’s not credit-card worthy but a detailed commitment? As a child, I remember being told that if I had to ask the price when it was not visible, I could not afford it. Does this apply to SaaS?

Postgres is eating the database world

The Extension is a fundamental growth mindset for PostgreSQL. Combined with the protocol for TCP communications, a robust and growing ecosystem can be seen with PostgreSQL. Add the wisdom of moving to an annual release cadence, and these factors would seem to highlight that PostgreSQL is quickly outpacing MySQL in the RDBMS open-source ecosystem. This article written by the creators of Pigsty, and other players including Tembo and Aiven are re-enforcing the narrative.

Source: LinkedIn

Why should I not upload images of code/data/errors?

This post is a comment by Bill Karwin to Stop with the Video Documentation by Jon Sustar. This post is just the recipe that should be enshrined in the ticket support system of any company when any user tries to upload an image. When a text command is provided, and the response is not provided back in the text, it’s hugely inefficient.

Source: LinkedIn

About “Digital Tech Trek Digest”

Most days, I take some time early in the morning to scan my inbox newsletters, the news, LinkedIn, or other sources to read something new about professional and personal topics of interest. I turn what I read into actionable notes in a short, committed time window, summarizing what I learned, what I should learn and use, or what is of random interest. And thus my Digital Tech Trek.

Some of my regular sources include TLDR, Forbes Daily, ThoughWorks Podcasts, Daily Dose of Data Science and BoringCashCow. Also Scientific American Technology, Fareed’s Global Briefing, Software Design: Tidy First? by Kent Beck, Last Week in AWS, Micro Newsletter to name a few.

New Additions

I have added Building a boring, but wildly profitable, online business portfolio as a new source to review.

Digital Tech Trek Digest [#Issue 2024.11]

In his Newsletter Solopreneur Ian Nuttal writes, “I sold my startup (again).”

In 4 months URL Monitor scaled far beyond what I expected:

550+ customers
2 million indexed pages
17 million pages monitored
$100k+ ARR

You can follow Ian on Twitter/X. (Will the word every drop the word Twitter, I would say no).

New AWS Console functionality

If you have ever tried to keep up with AWS News and Product Announcements even for a subset of products, let me know how. While I try to keep monitoring, sometimes you accidentally see a new feature. I am not a fan of using GUI interfaces. I’m all about the CLI and APIs. However, one must always spin up the AWS Console to look at what new blurb is being presented in the 10+ database products to

AWS has started offering more in-depth recommendations, but you need to Install or update to the latest version of the AWS CLI to 2.15+ to see them programmatically.

What is the doc format to use

I have moved to use MarkDown (.md) for all of my repo documentation, but there are different Markdown variants (city). I was struck by the above AWS documentation using `.rst,` known as reStructuredText, for its documentation.

MicroConf Remote 8.0: Early Stage SaaS Sales!

I recently this event as I am an entrepreneur looking at how to price

Founder-Led Sales Best Practices: Getting the 80/20 out of your sales efforts but Craig Hewitt

Selling with words: what early-stage startup founders tend to get wrong by Sam Howard. Several attendees, including myself, installed Hotjar following this presentation.

How to Build Scalable Founder-led Sales by Rachel Liaw
How to Build Your First Sales Process as a Technical Founder by Daniel Herbert.

I also got to speak to several founders 1:1, everything from I have an idea, to executing successful startups, including Sponsy (impressive logos) and PlaybookWriter.

About “Digital Tech Trek Digest”

Most days, I take some time early in the morning to scan my inbox newsletters, the news, LinkedIn, or other sources to read something new about professional and personal topics of interest. I turn what I read into actionable notes in a short, committed time window, summarizing what I learned, what I should learn and use, or what is of random interest. And thus my Digital Tech Trek.

Some of my regular sources include TLDR, Forbes Daily, ThoughWorks Podcasts, Daily Dose of Data Science and BoringCashCow. Also Scientific American Technology, Fareed’s Global Briefing, Software Design: Tidy First? by Kent Beck, Last Week in AWS, Micro Newsletter to name a few.

Today’s interesting websites experience

Nice 500 gitHub

Digital Tech Trek Digest [#Issue 2024.10]

Google advances with vector search in MySQL, leapfrogging Oracle in LLM support

As the title states, GCP is the first MySQL-managed service to offer “vector” support. Clearly the buzz-word of 2024 along with RAG, genAI and LLM is so 2023.

IMO, Oracle should just rename MySQL Heatwave to Heatwave. It would distinguish the product as unique, which is is,

4 Signs You Belong In a Startup Accelerator for SaaS Founders


Accelerators help early stage startup and enable businesses to grow faster, get mentorship, obtain funding/equitya and are generally industry specific. In this example Tinyseed focusses on B2B.

Some tips for considering an acclerator.

1. You know your numbers and your focussing on the right ones
– Churn
-LTV or ACV – Lifetime value, Annual Contract Value
Vanity metrics/candy metrics. Email Subscribers, Free Trial Users, Unique Visitors. Without context on how they are growing paid users

2. You experimenting, especially in marketing and sales
– You should always be tweaking and finding the right market.

3. Your coachable
– You are going to use the resources provided and you are vulnerable (receiving a lot of feedback, lower your defenses)
– Your accountable to groups, e.g. masterminds
– Be open to criticism

4. You are fast and furious
– Your drive and need to be moving forward, never satisfied with status quo
– you try new things
– Nothing is perfect at the beginning, experimentation is a key

The Founder’s Guide to Stealth Startups


In this postcast “The Diary of a CEO“, Steven Bartlett interviews Andrew Bustamante. Andrew is a former covert CIA intelligence officer and US Air Force combat veteran. He is the founder of EverydaySpy, an online education platform that teaches real-world international espionage techniques that can be used in everyday life.

Messaging builds narrative. Don’t use mass marketing via social media, believe in your brand.
Marketing, present a message, crafted with an emotion, responsing showing motivation.

Competition is for Losers with Peter Thiel (How to Start a Startup 2014: 5)

This is a very old presentation that was recently re-shared with me.

In this presentation, Thiel starts off his presentation with the concept of “Avoid competition”

Creating value is a very simple formula of two things. Create X$ for the world, and you capture Y% of X where X and Y are independent variables.

A big piece of a small pie can drastically affect profit margin. All United State airline carriers combined compare with Google. Much smaller, much higher value.

He goes on to talk about effectively two types of businesses, a competitive business or a monopoly, there is no in between.

Are you talking about data the WRONG WAY?

Scott Taylor, a colleague I discovered lived in a neighboring town and whom I could meet in person after attending a virtual conference event, asks a very valid question about the importance of data management. He re-iterates the “3Vs” of effective storytelling, Vocabulary, Voice, and Vision. You can discover a lot more information in his book Telling Your Data Story: Data Storytelling for Data Management. The art of Effective Data Storytelling is something I practice daily. It is easy for a data specialist to have the data facts and visualize the data, but the art is being able to drive change by combining data, visualizations, and what I consider the most important component, narrative. I highly recommend Brent Dykes book of the same name, and when combined with Be Data Driven by Jordan Morrow you have a cradle of strategy when discussing data management to organizations that want to become a data-driven organization. It is way more difficult to implement than any plan and strategy you may read and prepare for.

About “Digital Tech Trek Digest”

Most days, I take some time early in the morning to scan my inbox newsletters, the news, LinkedIn, or other sources to read something new about professional and personal topics of interest. I turn what I read into actionable notes in a short, committed time window, summarizing what I learned, what I should learn and use, or what is of random interest. And thus my Digital Tech Trek.

Some of my regular sources include TLDR, Forbes Daily, ThoughWorks Podcasts, Daily Dose of Data Science and BoringCashCow. Also Scientific American Technology, Fareed’s Global Briefing, Software Design: Tidy First? by Kent Beck, Last Week in AWS, Micro Newsletter to name a few.

New Additions to my reading

SaaS Developer Community

Digital Tech Trek Digest [#Issue 2024.09]

As an entrepreneur, pricing is an important consideration in any evaluation, development, and customer testing. In How To Price A SaaS Product, we see different pricing strategies, cost-based pricing, competitor-based pricing, penetration pricing, value-based pricing, freemium pricing. None of these match what I am ultimately considering: consumption-based pricing. Pricing is critical to define the value proposition statement and determine the range of the total lifetime value (TLV). It can vary greatly for B2C, B2B, and B2B enterprise offerings. If we look at YCombinator a basic principle is determining the gap between price and cost. That is your margin and your incentive to sell, and you work with either cost-plus or value-based pricing. Starting with founder-led sales is difficult as you do not have the luxury of a dedicated and experienced head of sales to work on different models and guide a technical founder, even before you enter the minefield of enterprise sales with applicable bids, contract, and compliance complexities. I am drawn back to “Consumption-based pricing is a pricing model that charges customers based on their product or service usage. Consumption-based pricing calculates pricing based on usage volume rather than the number of users and is a popular pricing model for IT services, SaaS, and cloud computing and storage” Cite: Consumption-Based Pricing.

Moving a Billion Postgres Rows on a $100 Budget

I wrote recently about the 1 Billion Row Challenge (1BR). This week, I found this article on the same number with a different title. The objective was not performance; it was cost. PeerDB enables the efficient extraction of data from PostgreSQL into a data warehouse, such as Big Query, ClickHouse or Snowflake. It was interesting to see Arvo as a format used over, for example, Parquet. The product also offers different streaming modes, including log-based (CDC), cursor-based (timestamp or integer), and XMIN-based. I will need to do further research on this new term XMIN-Based.

Test queries against your production database (responsibly)

This post links off to a YouTube video of The Safest Way to Test Postgres Destructive Queries, which provides a basic introduction to branching of the Neon PostgreSQL DBaaS. While the title originally interested me, the example showing the mechanics is like many other product examples in which it is extremely simplistic and not a true representation of “production” size or workload. I see this as a similar concept to AWS RDS Aurora cloning. However, any example should modify the structure of a table, measure the impact of that structure against production queries (note plural), and provide additional metadata rather than just a response time. These are important considerations in my own evaluation of test coverage of data access and the gathering of configuration, data, and infrastructure when running experiments to determine a more optimal data access path or a new functionality requirement. More documentation can be found here on Neon Branching

About “Digital Tech Trek Digest”

Most days, I take some time early in the morning to scan my inbox newsletters, the news, LinkedIn, or other sources to read something new about professional and personal topics of interest. I turn what I read into actionable notes in a short, committed time window, summarizing what I learned, what I should learn and use, or what is of random interest. And thus my Digital Tech Trek.

Some of my regular sources include TLDR, Forbes Daily, ThoughWorks Podcasts, Daily Dose of Data Science and BoringCashCow. Also Scientific American Technology, Fareed’s Global Briefing, Software Design: Tidy First? by Kent Beck, Last Week in AWS, Micro Newsletter to name a few.

Random Wisdom

This week, I was reminded via a very interesting statement that work-life balance and joy in what you do are critically important. You will not find on a tombstone the statement:

“I never worked enough hours.”

Digital Tech Trek Digest [#Issue 2024.08]

The One Billion Row Challenge Shows That Java Can Process a One Billion Rows File in Two Seconds

Well, it’s way under 2 seconds for the 1brc. The published results are in, and if you’re good, you can read 1 billion data points of weather data and analyze it. The final best number, as per the article release, is “00:00.323″. Yes, that answer is in milliseconds “Result (”. Mind-blowing.

ScyllaDB Summit 2024

Last week, I attended this virtual event. All the presentations can be found online. I had never used the product before, so while some new features like Tablets were not as applicable in understanding the full impact, the DynamoDB performance and cost comparisons were very applicable.

So what is ScyllaDB? It is a distributed NoSQL DBaaS that speaks Cassandra protocol (do large companies still use this?), and it speaks AWS DynamoDB protocol. That is really interesting to me. You can choose a Cloud Hosted offering, or if you’re into managing your setup, you can use the Open Source ScyllaDB version available from GitHub. I started at ScyllaDB University to get a grip on the basics. I have yet to try the local Docker Compose setup.

Thanks also to the team for the swag which I received.

Playing a game with your CI/CD pipeline

My friend Sergey has created a game in GitLab called GitTerra. Drop a few lines into your .gitlab-ci.yml, and each build will give you a generated 3D map of a city based on your commit. I look forward to some of his next steps, leveraging potentially different colors for languages or different building structures for artifacts found in your commit.

We raised 11.6M to build Serverless Postgres for Modern SaaS

Congrats to Gwen and her co-founder for getting seed funding for Nile Serverless Postgres for Modern SaaS. Awesome news for an entrepreneur, and I’m very hopeful for the success of Nile.

The Safest Way to Test Postgres Destructive Queries

While I am a user of ElephantSQL serverless PostgreSQL and Neon, Nile and Xata are just a few that are competing in the space. With multiple other products that also speak PostgreSQL protocol, you can easily trial a small product in an RDBMS in the cloud at no cost. PostgreSQL is definitely outdoing MySQL in this space. You have the extensive set of NoSQL Cloud offerings, SycllaDB I just mentioned, and D1 by CloudFlare I have yet to try this branching feature for your database, sounds interesting and I’ve added to my just as long list of products to try, as books to read. Nit: It’s PostgreSQL, not Postgres.

About “Digital Tech Trek Digest”

I take some time early in the morning to scan my inbox newsletters, the news, LinkedIn, or other sources to read something new covering professional and personal topics of interest. Turning what I read into some actionable notes in a short, committed time window is a summary of what I learned, what I should learn and use, or what is of random interest. And thus my Digital Tech Trek.

Some of my regular sources include TLDR, Forbes Daily, ThoughWorks Podcasts, Daily Dose of Data Science and BoringCashCow. Also Scientific American Technology, Fareed’s Global Briefing, Software Design: Tidy First? by Kent Beck, Last Week in AWS, Micro Newsletter to name a few.

Digital Tech Trek Digest [#Issue 2024.07]

Everything you need to know about seed funding for startups

A recent call with a startup founder funded by TinySeed led me to learn about MicroConf and Rob Walling. (Thanks Tony for the info). This has led to a lot of great info in several new newsletters and videos including this video. A few very valuable tips I learned included the answer to Why should you raise funds at all? The 1-9-90 rule, and different types of funding including Indie funding. It was interesting to find out that the TinySeed accelerator is 1 year, and not 13 weeks, which is common in NY. Rather than sharing my notes, go watch the video.

5 Books That Paved My Path to Entrepreneurial Success

I have not heard of any of these books, and I have such a long list, perhaps I need to publish my list and elicit feedback on prioritizing. The list from this article is as follows:

    1. Mastering negotiations with never split the difference
  1. 2. Embracing risk with skin in the game
  2. 3. Building habit-forming products with Hook
  3. 4. The roadmap to a billion dollar app in How to Build a Billion Dollar App


Last week I was at two events in Brussels. I chose to head to London to fly home. I found this map present in many tube stations (The tube is the London Metro Subway). It’s been a decade since I was in London, and over two decades since I lived in the UK. I found the new map great. When I mentioned it as a good visualization, I was surprised that locals of the London area thought it was horrible. I saw the value in the visualization, but perhaps others see it like art, “in the eyes of the beholder”. It could also be “habit”.
London Tube Map - 2024 presentation
Typical London Tube map

Cats and Dogs

How many *NIX `cat` memes can there be? Well, a lot cat is the most misused thing by programmers new to Linux. I cringe every time someone uses it wrong in a bash script. Thread below with proper uses of cat only.

Hey, dogs, you are in the count also with HTTP STATUS DOGS. My picks are 300 Multiple Choices, and 429 Too Many Requests for me.

Upcoming Events on my radar

About “Digital Tech Trek Digest”

I take some time early in the morning to scan my inbox newsletters, the news, LinkedIn, or other sources to read something new covering professional and personal topics of interest. Turning what I read into some actionable notes in a short, committed time window is a summary of what I learned, what I should learn and use, or what is of random interest. And thus my Digital Tech Trek.

Some of my regular sources include TLDR, Forbes Daily, ThoughWorks Podcasts, Daily Dose of Data Science and BoringCashCow. Also Scientific American Technology, Fareed’s Global Briefing, Software Design: Tidy First? by Kent Beck, Last Week in AWS to name a few.


I shared with a colleague on Feb 9. “3 SQL databases walked into a NoSQL bar. A little while later, they walked out because they couldn’t find a table.”

Digital Tech Trek Digest [#Issue 2024.06]

MySQL Belgian Days 2024 and FOSDEM 2024

In this past week, I’ve been able not just to read or watch digital content online but to meet people in person. In Brussels, first at the MySQL Belgian Days 2024 event, followed by FOSDEM 2024.

There was a wide array of presentations covering many different topics; this is just a summary. Fred talked history of Command Line Monitoring and an intro to the new player Dolphie. Dave Stokes talked security, Sunny Bains gave us a brain dump of TiDB scalable architecture. We got an update on PMM and MySQL on k8s from Peter Zaitsev as well as a chat about his new product coroot. And then a great intro to a new generation of online schema change at scale with Sprit by Morgan Tocker. Alex Rubin shows us how not how to hack MySQL, but how MySQL can hack you. We have all crossed paths as MySQL Inc. employees or MySQL community members since 2006.

Marcelo Altmann gave us a detailed intro of a new era of caching with ReadySet. We also heard updates on Vitess. And that was just Day 1 presentations. The evening event was at the incredibly wall-to-wall packed Delirium Café, sponsored by ReadySet, which we offer great thanks and cheers.

Day 2 was packed with great content about MySQL Shell, MySQL Heatwave ML and Vector, MySQL Router, and the MySQL optimizer from many well-known Oracle MySQLers before amazing awards, Belgian beer, and black vodka, of course.

Congratulations Giuseppe Maxia on your MySQL Legends award at MySQL Belgium Days 2024. It is well deserved for all of your community contributions over the decades.

Check out the details at Unveiling the Highlights: A Look Back at MySQL Belgian Days 2024.

Saturday and Sunday were FOSDEM 24 and its usual location. So many people crossing the university, tunnels, and weird transit paths between all the university lecture halls it can feel like a blur. For the first time, I had no fixed agenda so I could check out random talks on random topics.

A shout-out to many people I know and some new people I met. Colin Charles, Alkin Tezuysal, Walter Heck, Charly Batista, Robert Hodges, Jens Bollmann, Monty Widenius, Matthias Crauwels, Michael Pope, Marcelo Altmann, Emerson Gaudencio, Aldo Junior and tons more I have forgotten to mention by name. There were many conversations also with random community people I didn’t even get names, for example, the team at Canonical.

About “Digital Tech Trek Digest”

Most days, I take some time early in the morning to scan my inbox newsletters, the news, LinkedIn, or other sources to read something new about professional and personal topics of interest. I turn what I read into actionable notes in a short, committed time window, summarizing what I learned, what I should learn and use, or what is of random interest. And thus my Digital Tech Trek.

Some of my regular sources include TLDR, Forbes Daily, ThoughWorks Podcasts, Daily Dose of Data Science and BoringCashCow. Also Scientific American Technology, Fareed’s Global Briefing, Software Design: Tidy First? by Kent Beck, Last Week in AWS to name a few.

Digital Tech Trek Digest [#Issue 2024.05]

Because the world needs better dashboards

While my professional interests in Building Better Data Insights Faster rely on using visuals and narratives to show data-driven results, “Starting from first principles” is the question you have to ask. Identifying the quality of data sources, the time to delivery, and the confidence of accuracy are critical aspects of any dashboard.

Source: WrapText by Equals

This is the second article I’ve read about Equals in a week, and while I’m not ready to go back to a spreadsheet, this company has some great previous posts with excellent content, such as the 2023 summary and How to ship fast. An appropriate statement would be.

What a year. We embraced AI. We reimagined BI. We waved freemium goodbye. And as the cliché goes, we’re only just getting started.

[Last Week in AWS] Issue #352: New Year, New You, Here’s December in Review

Damm right, I think you are giving too much created by saying “a year”. More than once I had to rewrite code because AWS was years behind standard Python releases. AWS Lambda adds support for Python 3.12.

Whatever was going on with the delays in getting new language runtimes out a year or more after the language version itself was released seems to have been resolved. I wonder how long it’ll take that unpleasant chapter to fade from the collective awareness around Lambda.

Source: Last Week in AWS

Latency is the new outage

While technically a video that I listened to with Getting Started with ElastiCache for Redis Performance & Cost Optimization, this needs to be a slogan used more frequently. It is so true. The speaker in the opening minutes also describes some compelling reasons why our proliferation of data can contribute to a negative impact.

Source: Random AWS reading.

About “Digital Tech Trek Digest”

Most days I take some time early in the morning to scan my inbox newsletters, the news, LinkedIn, or other sources to read something new covering professional and personal topics of interest. Turning what I read into some actionable notes in a short, committed time window is a summary of what I learned, what I should learn and use, or what is of random interest. And thus my Digital Tech Trek.

Some of my regular sources include TLDR, Forbes Daily, ThoughWorks Podcasts, Daily Dose of Data Science and BoringCashCow. Also Scientific American Technology, Fareed’s Global Briefing, Software Design: Tidy First? by Kent Beck, Last Week in AWS to name a few.

Digital Tech Trek Digest [#Issue 2024.04]

NoOps and Serverless solutions

I was reminded of an upcoming expiry of a test website that I have on PythonAnywhere. This site enables you to host, run, and code Python in the cloud without any infrastructure and starts with a free account and then a $5 account. Striving towards NoOps and serverless is an important consideration for any small and simple application, I’d forgotten completely about this service.

5 IT services industry trends on tap for 2024

As major companies either want to use a service provider or maintain a relationship with one, knowing the trends lets you consider what SaaS providers of all the services you use like authentication, security, chatbots, support systems, and more are thinking about.

This article considers these trends:

  • Cloud cost optimization
  • Focused transformation, innovation
  • Investment in generative AI skills
  • Vertical market focus
  • Partner programs, reconsidered

Rapid developments in AI will also shape business prospects for consulting firms, MSPs, and systems integrators. AI could potentially provide a way to deliver new capabilities in shorter timeframes that satisfy the C-level demand for a quick ROI.


Context switching is killing your productivity

I believe the title says it all. The article provides several ways to combat this productivity killer.

Exploding Topics

A colleague pointed me to Exploding Topics. An interesting look at the growth of certain topics over recent years. I’m not sure if they are measuring, articles, products, websites, or just conversations on the topic in question.

Thoughtworks Technology Radar

I spent a lot of time reviewing the recent Thoughtworks Technology Radar. I was hoping that 2024 would issue a current version however Sep 2023 is still recent. My thoughts on the tools, techniques platforms, and frameworks in vogue I’ll leave for a separate post.

Why I’m excited about profit-sharing startups

Every year there is a list of the startups that failed and 2023 failures was no different. There is also the list of likely IPOs for the year. Is it going to be Space X, DataBricks, and Reddit for example.

This article along with a host of links reaching out to sites such as Creator Fund, Humanism and Weekend Fund and other interesting stories re-iterate that it is great people and not great ideas that are the right way of being an entrepreneur. The concept of investing that asks for a return of 1-5% of future earnings is an interesting movement from going down the VC slog.

The article lists these points:

  • There’s a culture shift in tech toward profit-generating businesses.
  • There’s a tech shift that enables talent to build more with less.
  • There’s a regulatory shift that makes exits challenging.

… believe a few big shifts will drive more founders and investors to pursue profit-sharing models in 2024 and beyond.

This tweet talks about Gumroad issuing dividends back to our investors. I always understood that investors wanted to see a return, or a positive change in the return capabilities within a 5 year horizon. Also interesting is this Challenging your assumptions about starutps video.

Combined with Why the Future of Startups are Studios really helps me consider what I started back in 2011 with a number of technology leaders in New York as a viable alternative to what we know about funding a startup. We were always able to get through the first 3 steps easily.

  • Generate an idea
  • Flesh out the idea
  • Launch and experiment
  • Create a project
  • Create a big company

I believe Graham was ahead of his time with Ultra Light Startups some 15 years ago.

Source: TLDR

About ‘Digital Tech Trek Digest’

Most days I take some time early in the morning to scan my inbox newsletters, the news, LinkedIn, or other sources to read something new covering the professional and personal topics of interest. Turning what I read into some actionable notes in a short committed time window is a summary of what I learned today, what I should learn and use, or what is of random interest. And thus my Digital Tech Trek.

Some of my regular sources include TLDR, Forbes Daily, ThoughWorks Podcasts, Daily Dose of Data Science and BoringCashCow. Also Scientific American Technology, Fareed’s Global Briefing, Software Design: Tidy First? by Kent Beck to name a few.

Digital Tech Trek Digest [#Issue 2024.03]

Lessons from going freemium: a decision that broke our business

As an entrepreneur always considering how to produce a sustaining passive revenue, what licensing model to use, and how to acquire and retain customers, the allure of a freemium model is ever present in so many offerings. You may wish to read this article and look at the visualizations provided with the narrative. I found this a useful data storytelling example.

The allure of seeing a new product is the strongest motivator new users have to complete setup. If you make onboarding too easy, they’ll never come back to do the hard task you let them skip.

Read more at Lessons from going freemium: a decision that broke our business Source: TLDR

Newsletters and online content creators

Lenny’s Newsletter from the prior article, listed with over 574,000 subscribers is one of several Substack newsletters I subscribe to. Substack is described as “The subscription network for independent writers and creators”. I have been collecting the number of subscribers from several newsletters I follow, however, there is no way to see that growth over time. Also missing are the price rates over time and the ratio of free to paying subscribers. Random Idea: What is missing is a history of this information. Other stats I’ve noted previously include 66,000 subscribers for Kent Becks Newsletter with 3 subscription plan offerings, 1,250,000 subscribers for the free TLDR (I can remember this years ago being much less) and 65,000 subscribers for the Seattle Data Guy newsletter.

FWIW this post from Lenny’s Newsletter This newsletter is growing up is from 2020.

Golden Kitty Awards 2022

I came across the Golden Kitty Awards, which unfortunately are only current to 2022 (fail on being current). It was interesting to scan the list for innovative ideas. I’ve yet to visit any sites, but I’m always encouraged by what people think of and commit to building, regardless of the motivation or incentive. What counts is an entrepreneur takes an idea and releases a product. 

Source: Random

Streamer JS – Video stream layout manager for OBS Studio and other streaming applications.

I am a new user of Twitch streaming for personal projects.  My good friend Sergey Chernyshev organizer of the large New York Web Performance Group has created Streamer JS as a means to drive more dynamic content in the browser and with common languages of HTML/CSS/Javascript and using OBS more as the streaming only component.  One objective is better version control management of assets/scenes/sources/filters/etc.  It’s interesting that  PouchDB is an eventually consistent distributed datastore in Javascript. Yet another simple data store to review for suitability. 

Source: Word of mouth

The 37th Chaos Communication Congress (37C3) by the Chaos Computer Club

Last month I was introduced to the Chaos Computer Club. This large German-based annual tech conference focuses on security & infrastructure/hacking.  Over 100 talks from the most recent event last week have been posted here.

Source: Word of mouth

About ‘Digital Tech Trek Digest’

Most days I take some time early in the morning to scan my inbox newsletters, the news, LinkedIn, or other sources to read something new covering professional and personal topics of interest. Turning what I read into actionable notes in a short, committed time window summarizes what I learned today, what I should learn and use, or what is of random interest. And thus my Digital Tech Trek.

Some of my regular sources include TLDR, Forbes Daily, ThoughWorks Podcasts, Daily Dose of Data Science and BoringCashCow. Also Scientific American Technology, Fareed’s Global Briefing, Software Design: Tidy First? by Kent Beck to name a few.

Digital Tech Trek Digest [#Issue 2024.02]

Indie Newsletter Tool Generates $15,000 a Month

There are so many different email newsletter sites you could wonder if there is market saturation. MailChimp, Mailgun, ConvertKit, Sendgrid (now part of Twilio it seems), Moosend and Mailersend come to mind.

It seems the space still has plenty of revenue-producing options including reportedly a side gig generating $15k per month. Source: BoringCashCow

When I asked a good friend and author of the Technical SEO Weekly his use of ConvertKit directed me to this Baremetrics Dashboard which is another product to look at sometime.

LLMs and Programming in the first days of 2024

How do use an LLM? If you are still on the fence start getting into the habit of using it more frequently then start. I now use ChatGPT and Claude AI daily, and with a crowded market there are many other emerging technologies to also consider.

I use ChatGPT for coding and image generation with DALL.E. I use Claude more for reviewing large documents that seem to be ideal for producing a summary, or to generate a fictitious movie script from those documents.

I do not like Javascript nor do I wish to actually learn this language however I write it daily via ChatGPT. Javascript is the ever-changing technology of web development and it’s impossible to keep up with the next product, or version of a product you may know. ChatGPT helps me navigate this combined with asking for HTML and TailwindCSS.  However, it’s not perfect, you need to be an experienced engineer who has learned how to write code for many years to ask the right questions and to correct the LLM when it does not produce what you expect. Let’s look at CSS. Now there is flex and grid and it’s hard to keep up with changing features that browsers support. This is where ChatGPT has helped me. I have been using Tailwindcss but it still took an expert friend 30 minutes to help me debug a CSS formatting issue of a future OBS Twitch streaming project to correctly size the content all in a 1920×1080 box. I learned a lot of new features of Google Chrome Developer Tools Inspector I did not know and are probably just the start of expert debugging features.

Until a few months ago I never knew it’s now much easier to read JSON in Javascript.

async function fetchData() {
  try {
    const response = await fetch('data.json');
    const data = await response.json();
    return data
  } catch (error) {
    console.error('Error fetching data:', error);

let data = await fetchData();

I’d like to remind users that  ChatGPT can make mistakes. Consider checking important information.. Source:  TLDR

ParadeDB (GitHub Repo)

Every day there is another PostgreSQL product to review.  I am a current user of ElephantSQL which I didn’t know existed two months ago. Neon and Tembo are two more PostgreSQL serverless-related products on my product review list.  Now adding ParadeDB as well as reading Thoughts on PostgreSQL in 2024.

About ‘Digital Tech Trek Digest’

Most days I take some time early in the morning to scan my inbox newsletters, the news, LinkedIn, or other sources to read something new covering professional and personal topics of interest. Turning what I read into some actionable notes in a short committed time window is a summary of what I learned today, what I should learn and use, or what is of random interest. And thus my Digital Tech Trek.

Some of my regular sources include TLDR, Forbes Daily, ThoughWorks Podcasts, Daily Dose of Data Science and BoringCashCow to name a few.

Digital Tech Trek Digest [#Issue 2024.01]

The Tiny Stack (Astro, SQLite, Litestream)

I spent many years in the LAMP stack, and there are often many more acronyms of technology stacks in our evolving programming ecosystem. New today is “The Tiny Stack”, consisting of Astro, a modern meta-framework for javascript (not my words), and Lightstream Continuously stream SQLite changes. I’ve never been a fan of Javascript, a necessary evil in modern stacks, but it changes so rapidly it’s a constant stream of new products with never the time to learn any. Lightstream is interesting. Replication of SQL operations to a database is nothing new, the Change Data Capture (CDC) of your data, however, I’d not thought of SQLite which is embedded everywhere offered this type of capability.

Amazon Aurora Introduces Long-Awaited RDS Data API to Simplify Serverless Workloads

AWS Aurora Serverless version 2 has been out for at least a year (actually 20 months – Apr 21, 2022), but a feature of version 1 that was not available in version 2 is the Data API. This is for developers without SQL skills to have a RESTful interface to the database, however, it only works in AppSync and only for recent versions of PostgreSQL and only in certain regions. I’ve never used it myself, but it is news.

Speaking of what is available in what AWS region, recently released InstanceHunt allows you to identify the instance families/types available in different regions across various AWS Database services. I developed this in just a few days and released it only last week as a working MVP. Future goals are to include other clouds and other categories of services such as Compute. The prior announcement may facilitate a future version that supports the features of services in regions.

Stop Stalling And Start Your Dream Side Business In 2024

The title kinda says it all. As an inspiring entrepreneur, my pursuits have only offered limited minimal success over the decades and never a passive revenue stream. While the article did not provide valuable nuggets, the title did. One of my goals for 2024 is to elevate my creation and release of side projects, regardless of each project being a source of revenue. I consider refining my design, development, testing, and implementation skills and providing information of value, are all resources of a soft income that showcase some of my diverse skills.

About ‘Digital Tech Trek Digest ‘

Most days I take some time early in the morning to scan my inbox newsletters, the news, LinkedIn, or other sources to read something new covering professional and personal topics of interest. Turning what I read into some actionable notes in a short committed time window is a summary of what I learned today, what I should learn and use, or what is of random interest. And thus my Digital Tech Trek.