While many attendees are repeat offenders, if 2013 is your first MySQL conference and you are relatively new with MySQL (say < 2 years experience), it can be daunting to determine which of the 8 or more concurrent sessions you should attend during the conference.
Here are my top recommendations that give you a good grounding in the various conference topics and a wealth of experience from known MySQL authorities, on important topics.
- A backup today saves you tomorrow by Ben Mildred at Pythian. Losing your data is a terrible experience. Learn what is needed to keep your data safe and you system highly available.
- Survey of Percona Toolkit: Command-Line tools for MySQL by Daniel Nichter at Percona. There are a wealth of additional MySQL tools that any resource should be familiar with. These are some of the most popular.
- Script It. Make Professional DBA tools out of nothing by Giuseppe Maxia at Continuent. I seasoned expert in the MySQL field, his expertise is invaluable to learn how to use MySQL effeciently. Giuseppe is also the creator of MySQL Sandbox, a huge productivity tool for developers.
- Practices for reducing MySQL database size by Yoshinori Matsunobu at Facebook. This is a consulting technique I use for great advantage with clients to improve performance. Yoshinori is also one of the most popular technical speakers at events.
- MHA: Getting started and moving past the quirks by Colin Charles at Monty Program. Creating a HA environment is essential for any successful application. MHA is one open source approach that should be considered.
- Managing data and data archiving using MySQL 5.6 new features of portable tablespace and exchange partition by Marco tusa at Pythian. If there was one footnote feature in MySQL 5.6 that has a huge benefit, this is the feature. As data continues to grow rapidly in size, archiving is more important.
This year’s conference talks are organized by topic and skill level. This can also help you find talks specific to your needs. Topics include the following:
- Developing Applications
- Tools
- Best Practices for Businesses
- Database Administration
- Utilizing Hardware
- Replication and High Availability Strategies
- Treads in Architecture and Design
- New Features
2013 is sure to be a great event, with a lineup of many MySQL product features for the MySQL ecosystem.