Book Review (Part 1) – Better, Faster, Lighter Java

Well if the weight of the book has anything to do with it, it’s the lightest Java book I’ve got. Better, Faster, Lighter Java, which I got from Amazon, has been a quick read. I’ve done a quarter of the book (60 pages) in one bed-time reading. Some good information, I’ll provide a review when I’ve finished reading the book. What’s surprising that of the content that can be confirmed solely programming (i.e. the code), there were a number of errors in the book already. Here’s a summary of comments of what I’ve already sent to the publisher. (just showing the technical stuff)

Example 1-1. Counter example: implementation (pages 3-4)

Point 1:
Book: Mid page (page 3), you have public abstract Long getID();
Comment: ‘Long’ should indeed be ‘long’ with a lowercase ‘l’.

This problem also occurs on the following lines (page 3)
public abstract void setID(Long id);
public Object ejbCreate(Longong id, int count)
public void ejbPostCreate(Longong, int count)

Example 1-2. Local Interface (page 5)
Point 2:
Book: Top of Page (page 5), you have public abstract Longong getId();
Comment: ‘Long’ should indeed be ‘long’ with a lowercase ‘l’.

This problem also occurs on the following line on (page 5)
public abstract void setID(Longong);

Example 1-3. LocalHome interface (page 5)
Book: 4th last line (page 5), and 3rd last line.
Comment: Same comment as Points 1 & 2. ‘Long’ should indeed be ‘long’ with a lowercase ‘l’.

This problem also occurs on the following line on (page 5)
public abstract void setID(Longong);

Example 1-4. Transparent counter (pages 13-14)

Point 3:
Book: On the second last line of page 13, you have private string name;
Comment: ‘string’ should indeed be ‘String’ with an uppercase ‘S’.

Point 4:
Book: On the first line of page 14, you have public void setName(long newName) {
Comment: ‘long’ should indeed be ‘String’

Point 5:
Book: On the fourth line of Page 14, you have public string getName() {
Comment: As per point 3. ‘string’ should indeed be ‘String’ with an uppercase ‘S’.

Figure 2-1 (pages 18-19)

Point 6:
Book: You list 7 points that correspond to the numbers in Figure 2-1. Point 7. Easier to Maintain
Comment: You have no point 7 in your figure.

Unreferenced Code (page 25)

Point 7:
Book: Second line of code in section. String prefix “This code is “;
Comment: You are missing a necessary assignment character = (equals) between prefix and “The…”

Unreferenced Code (2nd Example) (page 25)
Point 8:
Book: Lines result = result + “much, “; and result = result + “simpler, and neater.”;
Comment: While this is correct, it is indeed even more simpler if you replaced on both lines of result = result + with result += . It would not have really been work the mention except you are explicitly trying to demonstrate “simpler and neater”.

Unreference XML (page 32)

Point 9:
Book: In the middle of the code you have the line <include name=”**/*Test.class” />
Comment: While this is indeed valid, it would not work with you present example that you are indeed attempting to Automate with Ant. In your example, you define your JUnit Test Case class Name as TestAdder. This statement would not include the tests. It should indeed be **/Test*.class (with the third * ‘asterick) being a suffix to Test, not a prefix.

Unreference Code (page 45)

Point 10:
Book: Second line of coding section: Account valueObject;
Comment: You do indeed not use this variable, while not an error, it is unnecessary. Refer to next point for more information:

Point 11:
Book: Middle of code: account.setAccountNumber(…..), and the following line account.setBalance(….
Comment: You define no Account variable called ‘account’. So you do infact need a line of syntax: Account account; at some point. Even this however is invalid as you have not obtained an Account object, in order to use setter method setAccountNumber() and setBalance(), so you would need to have Account account = new Account(); This however is also invalid as your previous code (Page 43-44) which defines the Account class has no default constructor of no args. It is however I believe valid, as even though you don’t extend Object, you would get a define implicit Object no args constructor. I’d have to check that, but the point remains, it’s not clean sound code in regards to new Account().
And then to complete these 2 lines, setAccountNumber() is not a defined method of Account, indeed your explicitly don’t have it as part of your comments. (Page 43 Remebering your requirements, you want to keep the account number private, so you scope it accordingly, and omit the setter).

All that being said, you could do the following as an alternative to these lines.

Account account = new Account(result.getString(“accountNumber”), (float)results.getDouble(“balance”));
return account;

This could even be simplified further to simply

return new Account(result.getString(“accountNumber”), (float)results.getDouble(“balance”));

Nice and clean.

Point 12:
Comment, while on the subject of this coding example, given changes necessary, I’d make two other comments regarding this code fragement.
Firstly, you close your stmt variable with stmt.close() but you don’t close your ResultSet variable result. Good coding practice would close both, with appropiate error checking as shown with stmt.
Second, while this method is static, I would not choose to use a global Connection variable referenced as conn. This should be passed to this method as an argument.

Of course I’ve only looked at the first 1/4 of the book for some bedtime reading, and I haven’t actually taken this code and passed via a compiler, but I wanted to bring these comments to your attention. I am however enjoying the content so far of this book.

The Java Spring Framework

I’ve been reading Spring in Action as part of reskilling in Spring Framework and Hibernate. The rationale of this was, I wanted a better testing capacity of my web apps, and after some review of a number of options and input from other colleagues I went down the Spring path.

Now, Spring throws a lot of new terms at you,Aspect Oriented Programming (AOP) and Inversion of Control (IoC), and it takes some time to get into the application. A Hello World example is not a simple thing, with a number of moving parts. Still no pain, no gain. The obvious change in this development path was a significant increase in XML which started to concern me.

After some more reading and examples, I came increasing worried that I’d opened a can of worms. I choose Spring to ensure betting testing capability, but instead at this time, the verdict is out. The reason is XML. There is a lot of it, and now additional testing of this is necessary. It’s necessary to ensure consistency between XML and Classes, and most importantly, from my work to date, there is a certain amount of complexity in the XML/Class coupling. While it’s a loose coupling, the ability to test incorrect or invalid Spring XML, but valid XML beckons.

Spring Framework In some defense, springs provides an abundance of functionality and integrations with Other Web Frameworks such as JSF, Taspetry, WebWork and Structs, ORM Persistence Frameworks such as Hibernate, JDO, iBATIS, OJB, but when it comes down to it, I’m left thinking, it takes a lot more to get started in Spring, to get productive. It all seems anti KISS and anti YAGNI.

Putting aside my initial impression after about 4 weeks, my latest order of books from Amazon arrived, and while waiting for an X-Ray yesterday, I pulled out Beyond Java. It was interesting that some comments where:

  • The many frameworks designed to simplify the Java development experience do make more experienced Java developers more productive, but make the learning curve too steep for those new to Java.
  • Tremendous tools like Hivernate and Spring can let you build enterprise-strength applications with much less effort. But it can take a whole year to confidently learn how to wield these tools with skill.
  • AOP can also help, by letting you write plain old Java objects (POJOs) for your business rules, and isolated services in prepackaged aspects like security and transactions.These abstractions, though, make an ever rising river for a novice to navigate.

This all adds up to one thing, Complexity, when we should be working towards Simplicity. Why is it harder to write code, surely with all these advances it should be easier to write code, in fact why are we still writing code. You have to wonder when the next jump in the technology will occur.

Then again, we are still driving inefficient cars after 100 years when there are better and more efficient alternatives.

Linux Format Reader Awards 2006

The Linux Format magazine is having it’s annual reader awards in a number of categories.

These include (I’ve include my picks after each category):

You can nominate at Nomimations close Friday 10 Feb 2006.

Adding to the Library Collection

I took the chance today to order some books from Amazon today to add to the library. Of course I’m still reading 2 current books Spring in Action and the MySQL Certification Study Guide in order to site the second MySQL Professional Certification Exam.

As with most things, you start off looking or reading on the web for something and you end up completely somewhere else. In this case, it was looking at Linux Software Labs (Australia) at the price of their Linux Distribution CD’s, which lead me to the book Beyond Java listed on their site. Called my local computer book store, but not being open (Boxing Day Public Holiday), lead me to go, “well I’ve been meaning to order some books from Amazon”, what were they again. So this lead me to coming up with a whole new list, and I figured for the cost of freight to Australia, I may as well order a few. So here is what I got.

Better, Faster, Lighter Java, MySQL (3rd Edition) (Developer’s Library) , High Performance MySQL,and of course Beyond Java.

The hard part now being the waiting 6-10 days.

December Java Users Group talk on AJAX

I attended the December meeting of the Brisbane Java Users Group last night. The presenters Alex and Brad from Working Mouse a Brisbane Based J2EE Solutions Provider gave a talk on AJAX.

What is AJAX? It stands for “Asynchronous Javascript and XML”. While the name has stuck, it both does not require Asynchronous communication, nor need to use XML, at least the Javascript part stays. AJAX is also not a new language or technology, merely a collection of technologies grouped together to provide a given function, which is to provide rich feature in page functionality within a web browser. The presentation centered around DWR – Direct Web Remoting implementation. There are in fact a number around in various server languages.

Let me explain some more, providing dynamic content on a website is straight forward, when you request a page, however to provide dynamic content within a page without refreshing the page (and in turn keeping all page state) is not a feature of the HTTP protocol. The most obvious case always presented is when selecting a Country Select Box value, a Select Box of States is populated based on the selection without the user seeing both the entire page reloading and waiting for this. There are of course a number of examples of use.

AJAX isn’t new, infact the underlying requirements within AJAX, the DHTML, DOM manipulation and XMLHttpRequest were available in 1997 (as mentioned in the presentation by Brad). In fact, I implemented functionality to perform what AJAX does back in the late 90’s, probably starting 1999, using solely Javascript, and some of that is still in use today on at least one of my sites. Of course Google made this functionality popular with it’s use in Google Suggest a few years ago.

While the presentation was a good introduction to those that had not seen this in operation, the subsequent discussions over dinner prompted some strong reactions, which is good in our line of work.

This technology implementation is inherently flawed, primarily due to the reliance on a Web Browser, and being both a multitude of available browsers across platforms and more specifically a lack of standards adoption causes this technology simply not to be available for all users. Of course Microsoft Internet Explorer is a significant pain in the butt here, as it’s simply not standards compliant, and you are forced to write bad code to work in IE simply due to it’s market penetration. There are of course a lot more of concern, proxies at multiple levels of interaction can drive you mad, and the increases in bandwidth and server performance.

That aside, the issue of needing to provide this level of rich content within a browser is another very good case. This is driven by end user need, and ultimately it is rather ridiculous it’s complicated code, it’s yet another language within the application to support, and the support is difficult, it’s even more complicated to provide some type of automated testing. But I guess the strongest comments came from Max, who recognised me after 15 years. Max was a lecturer in my undergraduate studies from 87-89, a long time ago. I would place Max (not his real name by the way, it’s a long story which took some research at the time), as one of the top three lecturers in my studies that influenced my path to where I am today.

His points were totally valid, why oh why are we doing this, it’s just ridiculous this level of complexity, to do what a browser was not simply designed to do. I would tend to agree, we are forced again by the influence of Microsoft technologies on end users to provide a level of experience they have been brainwashed into. It so reminds me of the The Matrix movie, where everybody is living under the power of the machines (Microsoft), and there a small few fighting a rebel cause to show them what the picture really looks like.

XP Group in Brisbane

Brisbane has another XP Group. Just found out about it. Info can be found at I’ve been involved in some part in 2 previous groups in Brisbane.

I’m thinking about some ideas myself, I’ve got all the XP skills, however I’m now skilling up in Spring (a full-stack Java/J2EE application framework) and Hibernate (a powerful, ultra-high performance object/relational persistence and query service for Java). And I’ve got 2 other friends in similar positions.

Wouldn’t it be great if for 6 to 8 weeks, a few hours a week we could work on a project honning traditional XP as well as having some experience people in technologies helping others. Of course in comes back to some giving all to others, but I’m sure it doesn’t have to be that way.