RDS MySQL Aurora 3.07.0 is unusable for upgrades

Yesterday I detailed an incompatible breakage with RDS MySQL Aurora 3.06.0, and one option stated is to upgrade to the just released 3.07.0.

Turns out that does not work. It is not possible to upgrade any version of AWS RDS MySQL Aurora 3.x to 3.07.0, making this release effectively useless.

3.06.0 to 3.07.0 fails

$ aws rds modify-db-cluster --db-cluster-identifier $CLUSTER_ID --engine-version 8.0.mysql_aurora.3.07.0 --apply-immediately

An error occurred (InvalidParameterCombination) when calling the ModifyDBCluster operation: Cannot upgrade aurora-mysql from 8.0.mysql_aurora.3.06.0 to 8.0.mysql_aurora.3.07.0

3.06.0 to 3.06.1 succeeds

Sometimes you need to be on the current point release of a prior version.

3.06.0 to 3.07.0 fails

$ aws rds modify-db-cluster --db-cluster-identifier $CLUSTER_ID --engine-version 8.0.mysql_aurora.3.07.0 --apply-immediately

An error occurred (InvalidParameterCombination) when calling the ModifyDBCluster operation: Cannot upgrade aurora-mysql from 8.0.mysql_aurora.3.06.1 to 8.0.mysql_aurora.3.07.0

There is no upgrade path

You can look at all valid ValidUpgradeTarget for all versions. There is in-fact no version that can upgrade to AWS RDS Aurora MySQL 3.07.0.
Seems like a common test pattern overlooked.

$ aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --engine aurora-mysql


            "Engine": "aurora-mysql",
            "Status": "available",
            "DBParameterGroupFamily": "aurora-mysql8.0",
            "SupportsLogExportsToCloudwatchLogs": true,
            "SupportsReadReplica": false,
            "DBEngineDescription": "Aurora MySQL",
            "SupportedFeatureNames": [],
            "SupportedEngineModes": [
            "SupportsGlobalDatabases": true,
            "SupportsParallelQuery": true,
            "EngineVersion": "8.0.mysql_aurora.3.04.1",
            "DBEngineVersionDescription": "Aurora MySQL 3.04.1 (compatible with MySQL 8.0.28)",
            "ExportableLogTypes": [
            "ValidUpgradeTarget": [
                    "Engine": "aurora-mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": false,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "Aurora MySQL 3.04.2 (compatible with MySQL 8.0.28)",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.mysql_aurora.3.04.2"
                    "Engine": "aurora-mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": false,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "Aurora MySQL 3.05.2 (compatible with MySQL 8.0.32)",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.mysql_aurora.3.05.2"
                    "Engine": "aurora-mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": false,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "Aurora MySQL 3.06.0 (compatible with MySQL 8.0.34)",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.mysql_aurora.3.06.0"
                    "Engine": "aurora-mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": false,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "Aurora MySQL 3.06.1 (compatible with MySQL 8.0.34)",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.mysql_aurora.3.06.1"

Database testing for all version changes (including minor versions)

We know that SQL statement compatibility can change with major database version upgrades and that you should adequately test for them. But what about minor version upgrades?

It is dangerous to assume that your existing SQL statements work with a minor update, especially when using an augmented version of an open-source database such as a cloud provider that may not be as transparent about all changes.

While I have always found reading the release notes an important step in architectural principles over the decades, many organizations skip over this principle and get caught off guard when there are no dedicated DBAs and architects in the engineering workforce.

Real-world examples of minor version upgrade issues

Here are two real-world situations common in the AWS RDS ecosystem using MySQL.

  1. You are an organization that uses RDS Aurora MySQL for its production systems, and you upgrade one minor version at a time. A diligent approach is to be one minor version behind unless a known bug is fixed in a newer version you depend on.
  2. You are an organization that, to save costs with a comprehensive engineering team, uses AWS RDS MySQL (not Aurora) for developers and some testing environments.

I’ve simplified a real-world example to a simple SQL statement and combined these two separate use cases into one simulated situation for demonstration purposes.

mysql> SELECT content_type FROM reserved2;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

mysql> SELECT VERSION(), @@aurora_version;
| VERSION() | @@aurora_version |
| 8.0.28    | 3.04.2           |

| 8.0.34    |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

This is a simple enough query, this runs in AWS RDS Aurora MySQL 3.04.02 (which is the present Aurora MySQL long-term support (LTS) release). This is based on MySQL 8.0.28 which is FWIW not a supported AWS RDS MySQL version anymore, the minimum is now 8.0.32 (Supported MySQL minor versions on Amazon RDS).

It runs in AWS RDS MySQL 8.0.34 which is for example what version your developer setup is.

An AWS RDS MySQL Aurora minor version upgrade

You decide to upgrade from Aurora 3.04.x/3.05.x to 3.06.x. This Aurora version is actually based on MySQL 8.0.34 (the version you just tested in RDS). Without adequate due diligence you roll out to production only to find after the fact that this SQL statement (realize this is one simplified example for demonstrate purposes) now breaks for no apparent reason.

mysql> select content_type from reserved2;
ERROR 1064 (42000): You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'content_type from reserved2' at line 1

mysql> SELECT VERSION(), @@aurora_version;
| VERSION() | @@aurora_version |
| 8.0.34    | 3.06.0           |

Now, you need to investigate the problem, which can take hours, even days of resource time, and a lot of shaking heads to realize it has nothing to do with your application code but to do with the minor version upgrade. Which you simply cannot roll back. See Risks from auto upgrades with managed database services for some interesting facts.

Wait, what just happened?

If you performed this upgrade to the latest AWS RDS Aurora MySQL 3.06.0 version sometime after the release on 3/7/24 and before 6/4/24, a 3-month period, you are left with one choice. You have to make application code changes to address the breakage.

How many man-hours/man-days does this take? If you upgraded to this version in the past two weeks, technically you have a second choice. You can go to the most current version, 3.07.0, but you have already spent time in testing and deploying 3.06.0, which you need to re-test, then rollout in non-production accounts and then rollout to production. How many man-days of work is this?

It may be hard to justify the cost of automated testing until you uncover a situation like this one; however, it can easily be avoided in the future.

So why did this happen?

Lets look deeper are the fine-print

RDS Aurora MySQL 3.06.0

Aurora MySQL version 3.06.0 supports Amazon Bedrock integration and introduces the new reserved keywords accept, aws_bedrock_invoke_model, aws_sagemaker_invoke_endpoint, content_type, and timeout_ms. Check the object definitions for the usage of the new reserved keywords before upgrading to version 3.06.0. To mitigate the conflict with the new reserved keywords, quote the reserved keywords used in the object definitions. For more information on the Amazon Bedrock integration and handling the reserved keywords, see What is Amazon Bedrock? in the Amazon Aurora User Guide. For additional information, see Keywords and Reserved Words, The INFORMATION_SCHEMA KEYWORDS Table, and Schema Object Names in the MySQL documentation.

From AWS RDS Aurora MySQL 3.06.0 release notes (3/7/24).

While less likely you would name a column aws_bedrock_invoke_model, column names of content_type and timeout_ms are common words.

RDS Aurora MySQL 3.07.0

Aurora MySQL version 3.06.0 added support for Amazon Bedrock integration. As part of this, new reserved keywords (accept, aws_bedrock_invoke_model, aws_sagemaker_invoke_endpoint, content_type, and timeout_ms) were added. In Aurora MySQL version 3.07.0, these keywords have been changed to nonreserved keywords, which are permitted as identifiers without quoting. For more information on how MySQL handles reserved and nonreserved keywords, see Keywords and reserved words in the MySQL documentation.

From AWS RDS Aurora MySQL 3.07.0 release notes (6/4/24). Clearly someone at AWS saw the breaking changes and it was reverted. While it’s possible many customers may not need to catch this situation, this is one specific use case.


The moral of the database story here is Be Prepared.

You should always be prepared for future breaking compatibility. You should test with a regular software upgrade cadence and leverage automation as much as possible.

Next BaseLine is a software product that automates testing for many use cases, including this simple SQL compatibility issue. By adding to your CI/CD pipeline can help identify and risk in all SQL database access, including new engineering software releases or infrastructure updates. This product can be implemented in a few hours, and cost significantly less than the large amount of time lost with this one realistic situation.

Next BaseLine - Helping to create a better and faster next version of your data-driven product


This example was not uncovered from a customer situation. It was uncovered and used as a demonstration because I read the release notes.

Test Case

SELECT VERSION(), @@aurora_version; /* No way to comment out the !Aurora example */
USE test;
SELECT accept FROM reserved1;
SELECT content_type FROM reserved2;
SELECT timeout_ms FROM reserved3;

Are you patching your AWS RDS MySQL 5.7 EOL databases?

Recently, I noticed a second AWS RDS MySQL 5.7 version available 5.7.44-rds.20240408. Curious what this was as 5.7.44 is the only RDS 5.7.x EOL version available, I launched an instance to discount this as errant metadata.

Today I noticed a second version 5.7.44-rds.20240529. I do not run a MySQL 5.7 AWS RDS instance or pay the AWS Extended Support tax, so I would not receive any notices or recommendations that customers may be receiving.

AWS RDS MySQL 5.7 EOL notificationsImage generated by ChatGPT. Mistakes left as a reminder genAI is not there yet for text.

I needed to do some searching before I found a reference here and then this announcement that mentions 5.7.44-RDS.20240408 as a vulnerability fix. This document does not mention the second version however, based on the dates, this was 18 days ago? There is also no whats-new announcement of this second version. With more searching I also came across Extended Support Version Standards which is not linked from the extended support page that describes this new format.

Are AWS customers being informed they need to continue with a minor version upgrade cadence as you would normally perform? Is it now more important because only more severe vulnerabilities will get backported? The CVE-2024-20963 does only mention MySQL 8.0 and above, but as Oracle has officially marked 5.7 as EOL. This does align with the AWS Extended Support commitment to keep MySQL 5.7.

If you are a customer that has auto-minor upgrades enabled for MySQL 5.7 be aware of the risks from auto upgrades with managed database services.

If you are running AWS RDS PostgreSQL 11 (11.22), the same need applies. There are also version updates. These
Postgres docs also show extension fixes for 20240529 but no mention of a vulnerability. This may be the trigger for the same named RDS MySQL version and there are no actual modifications?

Why are you still running MySQL 5.7?

Next BaseLine identifies and categorizes the risks for SQL migration from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8.0 and can accelerate moving off this EOL software version. Stop paying the AWS Extended Support Tax. Get started at https://app.kanangra.io/.

Current AWS RDS MySQL versions

$ aws rds describe-db-engine-versions --engine mysql
    "DBEngineVersions": [
            "Engine": "mysql",
            "Status": "available",
            "DBParameterGroupFamily": "mysql5.7",
            "SupportsLogExportsToCloudwatchLogs": true,
            "SupportsReadReplica": true,
            "DBEngineDescription": "MySQL Community Edition",
            "SupportedFeatureNames": [],
            "SupportsGlobalDatabases": false,
            "SupportsParallelQuery": false,
            "EngineVersion": "5.7.44",
            "DBEngineVersionDescription": "MySQL 5.7.44",
            "ExportableLogTypes": [
            "ValidUpgradeTarget": [
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": false,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 5.7.44-rds.20240408",
                    "EngineVersion": "5.7.44-rds.20240408"
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": false,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 5.7.44-rds.20240529",
                    "EngineVersion": "5.7.44-rds.20240529"
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": true,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.28",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.28"
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": true,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.32",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.32"
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": true,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.33",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.33"
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": true,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.34",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.34"
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": true,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.35",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.35"
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": true,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.36",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.36"
            "Engine": "mysql",
            "Status": "available",
            "DBParameterGroupFamily": "mysql5.7",
            "SupportsLogExportsToCloudwatchLogs": true,
            "SupportsReadReplica": true,
            "DBEngineDescription": "MySQL Community Edition",
            "SupportedFeatureNames": [],
            "SupportsGlobalDatabases": false,
            "SupportsParallelQuery": false,
            "EngineVersion": "5.7.44-rds.20240408",
            "DBEngineVersionDescription": "MySQL 5.7.44-rds.20240408",
            "ExportableLogTypes": [
            "ValidUpgradeTarget": [
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": false,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 5.7.44-rds.20240529",
                    "EngineVersion": "5.7.44-rds.20240529"
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": true,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.28",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.28"
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": true,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.32",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.32"
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": true,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.33",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.33"
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": true,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.34",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.34"
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": true,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.35",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.35"
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": true,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.36",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.36"
            "Engine": "mysql",
            "Status": "available",
            "DBParameterGroupFamily": "mysql5.7",
            "SupportsLogExportsToCloudwatchLogs": true,
            "SupportsReadReplica": true,
            "DBEngineDescription": "MySQL Community Edition",
            "SupportedFeatureNames": [],
            "SupportsGlobalDatabases": false,
            "SupportsParallelQuery": false,
            "EngineVersion": "5.7.44-rds.20240529",
            "DBEngineVersionDescription": "MySQL 5.7.44-rds.20240529",
            "ExportableLogTypes": [
            "ValidUpgradeTarget": [
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": true,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.28",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.28"
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": true,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.32",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.32"
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": true,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.33",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.33"
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": true,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.34",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.34"
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": true,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.35",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.35"
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": true,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.36",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.36"
            "Engine": "mysql",
            "Status": "available",
            "DBParameterGroupFamily": "mysql8.0",
            "SupportsLogExportsToCloudwatchLogs": true,
            "SupportsReadReplica": true,
            "DBEngineDescription": "MySQL Community Edition",
            "SupportedFeatureNames": [],
            "SupportsGlobalDatabases": false,
            "SupportsParallelQuery": false,
            "EngineVersion": "8.0.32",
            "DBEngineVersionDescription": "MySQL 8.0.32",
            "ExportableLogTypes": [
            "ValidUpgradeTarget": [
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": false,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.33",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.33"
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": false,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.34",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.34"
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": false,
                    "AutoUpgrade": true,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.35",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.35"
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": false,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.36",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.36"
            "Engine": "mysql",
            "Status": "available",
            "DBParameterGroupFamily": "mysql8.0",
            "SupportsLogExportsToCloudwatchLogs": true,
            "SupportsReadReplica": true,
            "DBEngineDescription": "MySQL Community Edition",
            "SupportedFeatureNames": [],
            "SupportsGlobalDatabases": false,
            "SupportsParallelQuery": false,
            "EngineVersion": "8.0.33",
            "DBEngineVersionDescription": "MySQL 8.0.33",
            "ExportableLogTypes": [
            "ValidUpgradeTarget": [
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": false,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.34",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.34"
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": false,
                    "AutoUpgrade": true,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.35",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.35"
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": false,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.36",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.36"
            "Engine": "mysql",
            "Status": "available",
            "DBParameterGroupFamily": "mysql8.0",
            "SupportsLogExportsToCloudwatchLogs": true,
            "SupportsReadReplica": true,
            "DBEngineDescription": "MySQL Community Edition",
            "SupportedFeatureNames": [],
            "SupportsGlobalDatabases": false,
            "SupportsParallelQuery": false,
            "EngineVersion": "8.0.34",
            "DBEngineVersionDescription": "MySQL 8.0.34",
            "ExportableLogTypes": [
            "ValidUpgradeTarget": [
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": false,
                    "AutoUpgrade": true,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.35",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.35"
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": false,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.36",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.36"
            "Engine": "mysql",
            "Status": "available",
            "DBParameterGroupFamily": "mysql8.0",
            "SupportsLogExportsToCloudwatchLogs": true,
            "SupportsReadReplica": true,
            "DBEngineDescription": "MySQL Community Edition",
            "SupportedFeatureNames": [],
            "SupportsGlobalDatabases": false,
            "SupportsParallelQuery": false,
            "EngineVersion": "8.0.35",
            "DBEngineVersionDescription": "MySQL 8.0.35",
            "ExportableLogTypes": [
            "ValidUpgradeTarget": [
                    "Engine": "mysql",
                    "IsMajorVersionUpgrade": false,
                    "AutoUpgrade": false,
                    "Description": "MySQL 8.0.36",
                    "EngineVersion": "8.0.36"
            "Engine": "mysql",
            "Status": "available",
            "DBParameterGroupFamily": "mysql8.0",
            "SupportsLogExportsToCloudwatchLogs": true,
            "SupportsReadReplica": true,
            "DBEngineDescription": "MySQL Community Edition",
            "SupportedFeatureNames": [],
            "SupportsGlobalDatabases": false,
            "SupportsParallelQuery": false,
            "EngineVersion": "8.0.36",
            "DBEngineVersionDescription": "MySQL 8.0.36",
            "ExportableLogTypes": [
            "ValidUpgradeTarget": []

The curse of MySQL warnings

MySQL warnings are an anti-pattern when it comes to maintaining data integrity. When the information retrieved from a database does not match what was entered, and this is not identified immediately, this can be permanently lost.

MySQL by default for several decades until the most recent versions enabled you to insert incorrect data, or insert data that was then truncated, or other patterns that resulted in failed data integrity. Very few applications considered handling warnings as errors, and there is a generation of software products that have never informed the developers that warnings were occurring.

The most simplest example is:

USE warnings;

CREATE TABLE short_name(
  name VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL,

INSERT INTO short_name (name) VALUES ('This name is too long and will get truncated');
ERROR 1406 (22001): Data too long for column 'name' at row 1

This is what you expect would happen. In many, many applications IT DOES NOT.

For almost 20 years the default setting was to support possible data corruption

If you used an older version without setting up a more strict SQL_MODE from the default you end up with.

INSERT INTO short_name (name) VALUES ('This Name is too long and will get truncated');
Query OK, 1 row affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

SELECT * FROM short_name;
| id | name                 |
|  1 | This name is too lon |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Only if you run SHOW WARNINGS and after the actual SQL statement would you know? There is no other way to find this information in any logs. There is no way to

| Level   | Code | Message                                   |
| Warning | 1265 | Data truncated for column 'name' at row 1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Numerous other examples can shock a customer when, after some time, expected data in a production is lost and unretrievable.

If you came from a more strict RDBMS background, or you tuned your MySQL installation or uncovered this and many other poor defaults, you would have improved your data integrity with and improved SQL_MODE.

So MySQL warnings are bad? No, they are ideal when used appropriately. However, the next critical dilemma occurs.

Warnings are valuable when used to identify important characteristics of an SQL statement that a developer or database administrator should be aware of. However, the only way to retrieve these warnings is from the application making the connection to the database at each statement, and generally, these warnings are just lost.

Here are some examples of warnings that are important for the engineering team that define criteria such as deprecation notices, which are important for production database upgrades.

SELECT JSON_MERGE('["a"]','["b"]'); 
Warning (Code 1287): 'JSON_MERGE' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use JSON_MERGE_PRESERVE/JSON_MERGE_PATCH instead

SELECT ST_GeomFromWKB(Point(0, 0));
Warning: (3195) st_geometryfromwkb(geometry) is deprecated and will be replaced by st_srid(geometry, 0) in a future version. Use st_geometryfromwkb(st_aswkb(geometry), 0) instead.

SELECT DATE('2024-01-01 10:00:00') 
Warning (Code 4096): Delimiter ' ' in position 11 in datetime value '2024-01-01 10:00:00' at row 1 is superfluous and is deprecated. Please remove.

Warning (Code 1287): 'BINARY expr' is deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Please use CAST instead 

You definitely want to know about these, collect them (hard), add them to your backlog, and don’t leave it until its too late in the I can’t upgrade my database to have to address.

If you want to know about these, collect them (hard), add them to your backlog, and don’t leave it until it’s too late for a critical last-minute upgrade to my database to have to address.

There are also warnings that should be collected and used for performance verification, which apply to running systems. I wanted to show one specific example uncovered during testing of a MySQL upgrade to version 8.0.

Warning (Code 3170): Memory capacity of 8388608 bytes for 'range_optimizer_max_mem_size' exceeded. Range optimization was not done for this query.

In fact, this warning occurs in MySQL 5.7, but the customer never knew because they did not look at the warnings. How many other SQL statements in your application produce warnings now? How can you find this out?

It was rather easy to create a reproducible test case but what now?

  • Do you set range_optimizer_max_mem_size=0
  • Do you set to the value you need, which you can identify with SELECT * FROM performance_schema.memory_summary_by_thread_by_event_name WHERE thread_id=PS_CURRENT_THREAD_ID() AND event_name='memory/sql/test_quick_select'\G
  • Do you need to modify your optimizer_switch settings?
  • Do you try something else?
  • Do you refactor your application?
  • Do you just leave it as is?

When you want to consider several different options, which one works best for this query? What about the impact on your entire production workload? Knowing statistically which is the best choice for your full workload and under various conditions is the optimal output, but how?

Next BaseLine was built to perform experiments comparing changes to your data, configuration, and infrastructure to validate the next version of your product statistically performs better than your current version across all of your application at different workloads.

Next BaseLine also provides numerous benefits for a major database upgrade, so I’ve focussed on getting these capabilities to customers quicker to save money. It provides the benefit of detecting SQL statements that produce errors in the next MySQL version, enabling you to categorize and prioritize areas of your application that must be corrected. It also captures important information about the performance and quality of the data from your MySQL queries; this also can help in identifying the most critical aspects of your application to invest engineering time and mitigate risk in your database upgrade plan. It can also collect warning messages such as these discussed when considering migrating from MySQL 5.7 to MySQL 8, or it can just find them with your current application.

What is your pain point with MySQL database upgrades? What are you doing right now to help reduce this additional budget spend? Join our private beta program now to find out more.

Next BaseLine

Helping to create a better and faster next version of your data-driven product