Microsoftism's on my MacBook

Seems Mac OS/X has not escaped the unnecessary annoyances of Windows. Below are details to unstall a product on my MacBook, following it crashing my machine a few times with the “blue screen on death” below.

Eye TV Lite is the software that comes with the Pinnacle TV line of products for the Apple Mac.


To completely uninstall the EyeTV Lite software and it associated files, please follow the steps below.


1.      Drag the EyeTV Lite application from the Application folder to the trash.

a.       Open Finder

b.      Select Applications

c.       Select EyeTV Lite and drab it to the trash


2.      Using Finder, move the following files to the trash.


Below is a list of the files that need to be removed and their function.  Below that is the location of the files. 


com.elgato.eyetv.plist – stores the preferences and there are 2 copies on the hard drive

EyeTV Helper – assits with USB/FireWire issues

com.elgato.eyetv.devices.plist – preference file related to the available devices – preference file related to the channel lists

Wakein – assists EyeTV Lite with waking/booting to record

EyeTVEPG.db – EPG data is stored in this file

EyeTV Archive – contains all of your recordings and scheduled programs

EyeTVClassicDontSeize.kext – All of the kernel extension files .kext are to prevent the Mac OS X from attempting to talk to TV devices that can appear as generic USB audio class or HID class devices before the actual firmware has been uploaded to them.

EyeTVAfaTechHidBlock.kext – same as above

            EyeTVEmpiaAudioBlock.kext – same as above


Drag these files from the location listed to the trash using Finder








/Library/Application Support/EyeTV/EyeTV Helper

/Library/Application Support/EyeTV/Wakein

/Library/Application Support/EyeTV/EyeTVEPG.db


/Users/(username)/Library/EyeTV Archive/






NOTE 1:  If you erase the EyeTV preference files, then any activation key you may have will need to be re-entered.


NOTE 2:  The files with the extention .kext can only be erased with root/superuser access. Also, to erase EyeTV Helper, you first have to quit it by using the Process Viewer or Activity Monitor.


Optimal OS Partitions

What is the optimal OS partition layout for a database server?

I’ve seen so many different configurations for OS partitions of recent time, none to my satisfaction.
Historically, in Unix days 20 years agao, long before RAID and SAN’s all my experiences were for strongly defined partitions.
That is separate partitions for the OS /, /boot, /tmp, /usr, /var and then seperate partitions for effectively application and data with /home and /opt

Today what is optimal for an OS configuration on a database server.
I’m seeking the input and experiences of the community. I’m making the assumption of at least RAID 1 or better for all disks.

It’s obvious that the database partition must be separate, and given snapshot capabilities both the data and binary logs should be specified on the same partition for consistency.
It’s also obvious the /tmp filesystem should not be with the / file system. You never want anything stupid that is using the /tmp filesystem to affect your operational system.

I’ll make the following assumptions.

  • Is a production database server
  • You are not installing new software often, therefore /usr should remain relatively static.
  • You have correctly configured MySQL not to place an data in /var.

This leaves /boot, /usr and /var for the OS. Do these require separate partitions? I would like to see it but do people care. With the amount of disk space available does a large amount bypass the need?

Any comments would be appreciated.