MySQL GUI Products
I’ve started now to actively use more of the MySQL Workbench, MySQL Administrator and MySQL Query Browser and MySQL Migration Toolkit. I am traditionally a very command line person, and it’s important that these skills are never put on the back burner.
Read moreMySQL :: Developer Zone Quick Polls
I don’t get to the MySQL Developer Zone main page often enough. In thinking about what pages I view everyday or regularly, it doesn’t rate as high as Planet MySQL , MySQL Forums or even the MySQL Forge.
Read moreA Post MySQL Conference review. The 4 F’s
Finally back home after some R&R at Yosemite before leaving the US. In conclusion, to sum up my experience of the 4th Annual MySQL Users Conference “Excellent”. Here’s my take. Friends, Functionality & New Features, the Future.
Read moreMySQL Stored Procedures Performance
Another one of the sessions at the MySQL Users Conference I attended was Tuning MySQL5 SQL and Stored Procedures by Guy Harrison from Quest Software. A global company with 6000+ customers.
Read moreSome photos from the MySQL Users Conference
I didn’t take any photos myself at the MySQL User’s Conference. In reflection, perhaps I should. I did make it into some photos however. A few of them here. <td> <a href="http://jcole.
Read moreMark Shuttleworth
Thursday’s Keynote speaker at the MySQL Conference was Mark Shuttleworth talking on The Ubuntu Project: Improving Collaboration in the Free Software World. Ubuntu from Canonical Ltd is fastly becoming one of the most popular Linux Distributions, based on Debian.
Read moreMy MySQL Conference Presentation
My talk at the MySQL Users Conference went well. MySQL For Oracle Developers was part of two talks, the second was by Mark Leith on <a href"" target="_blank">MySQL For Oracle DBA’s.
Read moreHacking MySQL Source improvements
Further to my earlier post Hacking MySQL Source (in a good way) in which I was having a compilation problem when re-compiling MySQL source (i.e. tt worked the first build, but failed on subsequent re-compiles, even with no changes).
Read moreContributing to the MySQL Community
Everybody can contribute to the MySQL Open Source Community. Here are some ideas: You can start with completely a MySQL Conference Survey form (those forms that we are all avoiding). You can download, evaluate and test newer versions of MySQL Products.
Read moreStumping a MySQL Guru
At the MySQL User Conference – MySQL Quiz Show we were asked to Stump a MySQL Guru. Well I submitted a few questions, and the first one stumped the guru, being Jeremy Cole, and my prize was a MySQL tee-shirt.
Read moreExtracting User SQL Queries from a MySQL Server
Joe Kottke from FeedBurner in his MySQL Conference presentation today FeedBurner: Scalable Web Applications Using MySQL and Java mentioned a novel way of extracting SQL Select Statements from a MySQL Server.
Read moreMySQL Migration Toolkit Extensions
Just to add some more features of the MySQL Migration Toolkit from the MySQL Conference presentation MySQL Migration Toolkit by Mike Zinner from MySQL AB. You can extend and modify the funcionality of the Migration toolkit with the supplied Eclipse Java project.
Read moreThe MySQL Migration Toolkit
A Wednesday afternoon presentation at the MySQL Conference was MySQL Migration Toolkit by Mike Zinner from MySQL AB. In summary, the Migration Toolkit currently provides the following feature set. Wizard like interface Plug-in architecture Migration of Oracle/MS SQL Server/MS Access/Generic JDBC Data Sources.
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