Additional DB objects in AWS RDS

To expand on Jervin’s Default RDS Account Privileges, RDS for MySQL provides a number of routines and triggers defined the the ‘mysql’ meta schema. These help in various tasks because the SUPER privilege is not provided.

SELECT routine_schema,routine_name
FROM information_schema.routines;
| routine_schema | routine_name                      |
| mysql          | rds_collect_global_status_history |
| mysql          | rds_disable_gsh_collector         |
| mysql          | rds_disable_gsh_rotation          |
| mysql          | rds_enable_gsh_collector          |
| mysql          | rds_enable_gsh_rotation           |
| mysql          | rds_kill                          |
| mysql          | rds_kill_query                    |
| mysql          | rds_rotate_general_log            |
| mysql          | rds_rotate_global_status_history  |
| mysql          | rds_rotate_slow_log               |
| mysql          | rds_set_configuration             |
| mysql          | rds_set_gsh_collector             |
| mysql          | rds_set_gsh_rotation              |
| mysql          | rds_show_configuration            |
| mysql          | rds_skip_repl_error               |
15 rows in set (0.00 sec)

SELECT trigger_schema, trigger_name,
          CONCAT(event_object_schema,'.',event_object_table) AS table_name,
          CONCAT(action_timing,' ',event_manipulation) AS trigger_action
FROM information_schema.triggers;
| trigger_schema | trigger_name | table_name | trigger_action |
| mysql          | block_proc_u | mysql.proc | BEFORE UPDATE  |
| mysql          | block_proc_d | mysql.proc | BEFORE DELETE  |
| mysql          | block_user_i | mysql.user | BEFORE INSERT  |
| mysql          | block_user_u | mysql.user | BEFORE UPDATE  |
| mysql          | block_user_d | mysql.user | BEFORE DELETE  |