The iPhone

Apple today released the iPhone . It was released at 6pm on Friday June 29. Who releases a product at 6pm on a Friday? While walking up 5th Avenue before dinner I noticed a line of people outside a Cingular (now the new AT&T) store (the only phone network you can get an iPhone for).

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MySQL Proxy. Playing with the tutorials

I was playing with the 5 sample tutorial Lua scripts available here with the MySQL Proxy , but I was doing something a little inefficiently. I started mysqld, then I started the MySQL Proxy with the lua script, then connected to MySQL via the proxy.

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The algorithm is banned in China

This is an image I took yesterday of a billboard “The algorithm is banned in China.”. I don’t get it. This one has “Ask” in the bottom of the image.

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It doesn’t take long

Google Van is one of the sites now sporting images found as part of Google Street View which has been on line for about a month now. What is the world coming to!

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What’s your disk I/O thoughtput?

MySQL uses disk. Ok, so everybody knew that. MySQL uses disk in two primary ways. Random I/O (Reading & Writing Data/Index blocks) Sequential I/O (Binary Log, InnoDB Redo Log) Historically it’s been best practice to separate these onto different spindles, and also separating the OS and tmp space onto a third spindle.

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Top 5 Best Practices for MySQL

We had the Top 5 wishes for MySQL started by Jay recently. So in true chain letter fashion I’m starting a new one this week. “The top 5 Best Practices for MySQL”.

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Got MySQL Proxy yet!

If you haven’t got MySQL Proxy yet, then stop and get it now. Jan announced the release a few days ago of this new product offering from MySQL . I first heard about MySQL Proxy at the recent MySQL Conference 2007 and actually used it a few weeks later to help address slow running queries during benchmarking with a granularity of milliseconds — Wow.

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Query Cache is deterministic

I was reading some points on a Blog post today here . I didn’t see it via Planet MySQL but via a Google Alert. The post has several good beginner points on MySQL Performance, but included the point “Literal current date is better than using the CURRENT_DATE() function because literals will use the query cache but functions won’t.

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My ‘Hourly’ MySQL Monitor Script Version 0.05

I’ve been able to steal some more time to work on my script following My ‘hourly’ MySQL monitor script Version 0.03 almost a month ago. The purpose of this script is simple.

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Watching for Disk Based Tables being created

I didn’t know you could actually do this before addressing this problem in a benchmark using 5.0.36. MySQL allows you to update two tables with a single UPDATE statement. I knew you could reference two tables in an UPDATE statement but not update both.

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The Facebook effect

First it was the SlashDot effect, then it was the Digg effect, now it’s the Facebook effect. I have a friend at Facebook and he was talking about the effect of the Facebook Platform API that was released a few weeks ago.

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Top 5 wishes for MySQL

Note: My views are just that: mine. 1. Real time Query Monitoring MySQL 5.0 GA provides only 3 ways to look at queries that are executed on a server in some way or another.

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MySQL – Wikipedia

I was reading only last week the notes from [Wikipedia: Site Internals, Configuration and Code Examples, and Management Issues][1] Tutorial by Domas Mituzas at the recent [2007 MySQL Conference][2]. I didn’t attend this session, like a lot of sessions too much good stuff at the same time.

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MySQL – Testing failing non-transactional statements

I was asked recently to confirm a consistent state of data in a non-transactional MySQL table after a failing statement updating multiple rows did not complete successfully. Hmmm, this is what I did.

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