Understanding the different Openstack tox configs

Openstack projects use tox to manage virtual environments and run unit tests which I talked about here . In this example I am using the oslo.config repo to look at the various tox configs in openstack use.

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Installing Python 3.3 on Ubuntu 14.04.2 LTS

Ubuntu 14.04 by default uses Python 2.7 and 3.4. If you want to install Python 3.3, in my case because various Openstack projects that maintain 3.3 compatibility. I had a hard time finding what I would consider an official means.

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Configuring git-review on Mac OS X

If you are using git-review for the first time the following instructions correctly install and configure for Mac OS X. Software sudo easy_install pip sudo pip install -U setuptools sudo pip install git-review Configuration

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Running openstack tests with tox

Recently the OSC (python-openstackclient ) project removed run_tests.sh #177066 and tools/install_venv.py scripts #177086 . As I was very new to OpenStack development practices this threw me because of reading several OpenStack documentation pages including Getting the code that specifically mentions in Hacking on your laptop and running unit tests an example Setting Up a Developer Environment , and consulting with a friend that is a ATC this is the way I learned to setup virtual environments and running tests .

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Percona Live Presentation: MySQL Security Essentials

The slides for my MySQL Security Essentials presentation at Percona Live 2015 MySQL Conference and Expo are now available. In this presentation I discuss just how insecure legacy versions of MySQL are and what are the essential requirements for securing your installation on disk, via network and with user privileges.

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Inconsistent messaging for OpenStackClient

As I mentioned earlier in Moving to OpenStackClient CLI I came across several differences in reconciling the legacy CLI tools. I have also come across very inconsistent messaging. Here is a simple example.

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Moving to OpenStackClient CLI

In working with the keynote CLI within the TripleO scripts I came across the following deprecation warning message. $ keystone token-get /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/keystoneclient/shell.py:65: DeprecationWarning: The keystone CLI is deprecated in favor of python-openstackclient.

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Percona Live Presentation: Improving Performance With Better Indexes

The slides for my Improving Performance With Better Indexes presentation at Percona Live 2015 MySQL Conference and Expo are now available. In this presentation I discuss how to identify, review and analyze SQL statements in order to create better indexes for your queries.

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Updating MySQL on Ubuntu 12.04 LTS to MySQL 5.6

The Ubuntu 12.04.3 LTS release only provides MySQL 5.1 and MySQL 5.5 using the default Ubuntu package manager. Oracle (owners of the MySQL(tm)) now provide Debian/Ubuntu APT repositories for all GA and DMR versions of MySQL including supporting Ubuntu 12.

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Validating MySQL version numbers

As part of a MySQL 5.5 to MySQL 5.6 upgrade across several Ubuntu servers of varying distros an audit highlighted a trivial but interesting versioning identification error in Ubuntu’s packaging of MySQL.

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Dynamic recreation of InnoDB redo logs

MySQL 5.6 will now automatically recreate the InnoDB redo log files during a MySQL restart if the size (or number) of these logs changes, i.e. a change to innodb_log_file_size. See Changing the Number or Size of InnoDB Log Files which states “If InnoDB detects that the innodb_log_file_size differs from the redo log file size, it will write a log checkpoint, close and remove the old log files, create new log files at the requested size, and open the new log files.

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Translated books in Chinese

I have just received copies of my Effective MySQL series that are available in Chinese. The picture speaks more than words.

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SQL, ANSI Standards, PostgreSQL and MySQL

I have recently been working with the Donors Choose Open Data Set which happens to be in PostgreSQL. Easy enough to install and load the data in PostgreSQL, however as I live and breath MySQL, lets load the data into MySQL.

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Loops in shell scripting

If you are die hard Bourne Shell (/bin/sh) scripter, it can be a challenge not to be enticed by the syntax niceties of the Born Again Borne Shell (/bin/bash). One example is the `{.

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