The woes of MySQL Community tools under Solaris
Yesterday I attempted to get a working MySQL environment to support the number of utilities we all use including mytop , innotop , mybench , mysqltoolkit . These products require a number of Perl Dependencies, and while that may be a rather trivial task under Linux and with the power of cpan , working on Solaris is a whole different story.
Read moreA MySQL Story
The Taso Dump I’ve gotto go, my time has come. (maintenance window needed) Could not get a lock. (table lock) I needed a blocker to ensure a single thread. (–single-transaction)
Read moreMySQL Camp II – Post Dinner
MySQL Camp II is complete. A small group of about 18 had post dinner at Tiny Thai in New York City. Some elected to drive from Brooklyn, they arrived at least 30 minutes after those of us that the subway.
Read moreMySQL Camp II – Introductions
We have started MySQL Camp II . The first session is Introductions. I didn’t catch all the employers, but here is part of the list of attendees at the Introduction section.
Read moreMySQL Camp II – It begins
Well readers, your either here or your not. MySQL Camp II starts today in Brooklyn, New York, at Polytechnic University. Last night’s pre drinks meetup in NYC went well, but today it’s brass tacks time.
Read moreMySQL Backup & Recovery – Part 1
I realized recently from observation that some smaller websites which use MySQL do not have a working backup and recovery strategy. Some may have a backup approach but it will not work in a recovery.
Read moreToday’s interesting MySQL Error Message
You have to love error messages some times. Today is was “ERROR 1289 (HY000): The ‘UNKNOWN’ feature is disabled;” For those interested. mysql> select version(); +-------------+ | version() | +-------------+ | 6.
When you use SHOW STATUS can can restrict with the LIKE syntax, allowing for a subset of values. For example: mysql> SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'Com%'; +--------------------------+-------+ | Variable_name | Value | +--------------------------+-------+ | Com_admin_commands | 0 | | Com_alter_db | 0 | | Com_alter_table | 0 | | Com_analyze | 0 | | Com_backup_table | 0 | | Com_begin | 0 | | Com_change_db | 0 | | Com_change_master | 0 | .
Read moreMySQL NY Meetup – Part 2 in our series
Last night at the MySQL NY Meetup we continued on from a very successful July presentation on “Practical Performance Tips & Tricks”. I must admit after speaking and standing all day for the MySQL DBA Bootcamp for the Oracle DBA it was a stretch, and we didn’t cover all material as expected, but the evening was still very productive to everybody.
Read moreLearning MySQL as an Oracle DBA
Updated I have an entire section now devoted to various MySQL for the Oracle DBA Resources . You will find additional information here. This week I presented two one day free seminars, “MySQL DBA Bootcamp for the Oracle DBA ” in New York and San Francisco.
Read moreLet’s improve MySQL security
We have all done it in the past, and probably most people that read this (will admit| or lie) to still doing it, but everybody must start making an effort to improving MySQL security in the usage on your MySQL Installation, including just on your laptop, and in presentations that people read.
Read moreMy iPhone Bill
Today I got back home to my iPhone bill. Lucky for me it was only 15 pages long. Rather stupid, but this news has been circulating for a few days. You can read More Google News stories including creative titles like “How many trees did your iPhone bill kill?
Read more5.1.20 Gotcha – The MySQL Error Log
While using the latest MySQL 5.1.20 yesterday I came across another situation that was not expected as with previous editions of MySQL. The background is experimenting with DRBD. When I configured MySQL to startup with a /etc/my.
Read moreMySQL 5.1.20 Installation
MySQL recently released 5.1.20 beta . I just ran into another gotcha, which prompted me to post this draft I’ve had for a while. rbradford@newyork:/opt/mysql51$ scripts/mysql_install_db Installing MySQL system tables... 070709 23:24:08 [Note] Plugin 'InnoDB' disabled by command line option OK Filling help tables.
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