All time top MySQL Blogger
Planet MySQL contains the aggregation of MySQL articles from over 500 individuals and countries. In the MySQL Community Blogging article, Ronald Bradford was recognized as the all-time top individual MySQL blogger at Planet MySQL.
Read moreWelcome new Oracle ACE’s
I am pleased to announce that the Oracle ACE program has two new MySQL inductees. These people actively contribute to the MySQL community via a varied means in an unbiased and non commercial way.
Read moreChanges in using Profiling in MySQL 5.5
In the past I’ve used the profiling features (e.g. SHOW PROFILES) in MySQL to help with timing SQL statements, especially those in the < 10 millisecond range. Out of habit I did use this to time all SQL statements however in MySQL 5.
Read moreEyes Only for Recruiters
Dear Recruiters. **I am always open to hearing about exceptional opportunities that will be a challenging role with hard problems to solve and a great team to work with. **
Read moreMySQL 5.5.8 GA and PHP 5.3.4 don’t get along with libmysql
Today I discovered that you are unable to compile the current stable PHP version 5.3.4 with yesterday’s MySQL 5.5.8 GA release. I was able to download the current MySQL 5.1.54 and compile without issue.
Read moreFive reasons to upgrade to MySQL 5.5
Updated Nov 2011. Check out my Reasons to use MySQL 5.5 Presentation for more in-depth information about installing/configuring and using MySQL 5.5 I have been looking forward to the general availability (GA) release of MySQL 5.
Read moreWish list for MySQL thread polling events
It is great to draw inspiration from other Open Source communities. Brad Fitzpatrick recently wrote about Android Strict Mode . His twitter tag line for this post was “I see you were doing 120 ms in a 16 ms zone” which is all I needed to hear from somebody who also worries unreasonably about responsiveness (Web site quote).
Read moreUnexpected mysqld crashing in 5.5
An update of MySQL from 5.0 to 5.5 on CentOS 5.5 64bit has not resulted in a good experience. The mysqld process would then crash every few minutes with the following message.
Read moreDamm you Peformance Schema
One significant new feature of MySQL 5.5 is the Performance Schema . I recently performed an upgrade from 5.0 to 5.5, however my check of differences in the MySQL variables via mysqladmin variables failed because we now have a new record long variable name “performance_schema_events_waits_history_long_size”.
Read moreThe Casual MySQL DBA – Operational Basics
So your not a MySQL DBA, but you have to perform like one. If you have a production environment that’s running now, what are the first things you do when it’s not running or reported as not running?
Read moreMySQL HandlerSocket under Ubuntu
Starting with the great work of Yoshinori-san Using MySQL as a NoSQL – A story for exceeding 750,000 qps on a commodity server and Golan Zakai who posted Installing Dena’s HandlerSocket NoSQL plugin for MySQL on Centos I configured and tested HandlerSocket under Ubuntu 10.
Read moreImproving MySQL Insert thoughput
There are three simple practices that can improve general INSERT throughput. Each requires consideration on how the data is collected and what is acceptable data loss in a disaster. General inserting of rows can be performed as single INSERT’s for example.
Read moreOTN MySQL conference slides
2010 has been the first year I have re-presented any of my developed MySQL presentations. Historically I have always created new presentations, however Paul Vallee gave me some valuable advice at UC 2010.
Read moreChange in MySQL logo
This is only a piece of trivia, however has anybody noticed that the MySQL logo has changed. Using the Legal Trademark page we can see the old logo and the new logo together.
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