Many early startups that use a single server for all services or a single database server for their website talk about how they would like to achieve higher availability with MySQL. This is not possible without at least two database servers. Using MySQL replication you can then support higher availability in several varying capacities. An additional MySQL database server can satisfy several infrastructure needs including:
- A primary hot backup
- A datasource for performing backups
- Read scalability infrastructure
- A reporting server
- A benchmarking server
- A fail-over/fail back master environment
MySQL replication is very easy to configure and deploy, a task that takes < 30 minutes for an experienced MySQL DBA. However, altering your backup and recovery strategy, modifying your application to support read/write splitting or implementing a fail-over/fail back strategy (also known as a MySQL Pairs implementation) are more complex tasks for implementing a higher availability MySQL solution.

About the Author
Ronald Bradford is a well respected industry expert in the MySQL community. Ronald is internationally recognized as an Oracle ACE Director in MySQL, a published author of Expert PHP and MySQL and the all-time top individual contributor of MySQL blog content at Planet MySQL .