Announcing the MySQL Plugin for New Relic
Many application developers would know of New Relic . A SaaS performance and monitoring tool targeted towards your web application monitoring including PHP, Ruby, Java, .Net, Python and Node. With the release today (June 19, 2013) of the New Relic Platform , custom monitoring of data stores including MySQL are now possible.
Read morePercona Ireland??
Anybody else noticed that Percona appears to not be a US entity any more? I observed it today. $ sudo /usr/bin/innobackupex ... InnoDB Backup Utility v1.5.1-xtrabackup; Copyright 2003, 2009 Innobase Oy and Percona Ireland Ltd 2009-2012.
Read morePercona Live Conference Recommendations
While many attendees are repeat offenders, if 2013 is your first MySQL conference and you are relatively new with MySQL (say < 2 years experience), it can be daunting to determine which of the 8 or more concurrent sessions you should attend during the conference.
Read moreWhen is the error log filename not the right filename
When evaluating a MySQL system one of the first things to look at is the MySQL error log. This is defined by the log[_-]error variable in the MySQL Configuration file. Generally found like:
Read moreThe MySQL symlink trap
Many users of MySQL install and use the standard directories for MySQL data and binary logs. Generally this is /var/lib/mysql. As your system grows and you need more disk space on the general OS partition that commonly holds /tmp, /usr and often /home, you create a dedicated partition, for example /mysql.
Read moreWhat OS do you use for MySQL?
In looking at operating systems in use for last year I found a very high concentration of RedHat/CentOS 5, and Ubuntu LTS operating systems. I would like to get a better picture of what is really used for MySQL production systems.
Read morePoor programming practices
When will it stop. These amateur programmers that simply cut/paste code really affect those good programmers in the ecosystem trying to make a decent living. I was reviewing a developed (but incomplete) PHP/MySQL system using a common framework (which in itself is irrelevant for this post).
Read moreCarbonite Online Backup is a fraud
Do not listen to the hype or the advertising. Carbonite backup solution is a fraud. I never realized the extent of the failures of the software until I had a problem, which is when you expect and demand commercial software you pay for to work.
Read moreUpgrading to MySQL 5.5 on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS
Ubuntu does not provide an apt-get repository package for MySQL 5.5 on this older OS, however this is still a widely used long term support version. The following steps will upgrade an existing MySQL 5.
Read moreThe heavy handed LinkedIn approach to your contacts
I recently wanted to add two individuals to my list of professional contacts at LinkedIn . I was extremely disappointed at the modified user interface (UI) experience that made it difficult to do so.
Read moreNot a cool new feature for Master_Host
I was surprised to find on a customer MySQL server this new syntax for Master_host in SHOW SLAVE STATUS. mysql> SHOW SLAVE STATUSG *************************** 1. row *************************** Slave_IO_State: Connecting to master Master_Host: testdb1.
Read moreInstalling MySQL MHA with Percona Server
MySQL MHA by Oracle ACE Director Yoshinori Matsunobu is an excellent open source tool to help in providing HA with native MySQL replication. The installation however is dependent on some Perl packages and to the untrained eye this may be an issue if you are using Percona Server as your choice of MySQL implementation.
Read moreSQLSTATE[HY000]: General error: 2006 MySQL server has gone away
This would have to be one of the most common MySQL error messages that is misleading to the end user developer. The MySQL Manual page confirms the broad range of possible conditions, but offers little to a PHP developer that does not speak MySQL Geek.
Read moreOpen Source Database Schemas
I am seeking the help of the community. I am working on an evaluation project about schema design in open source applications. While it’s possible for me to download the software of many popular apps, and install the software and then do a mysqldump, it takes time.
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