
Digital Tech Trek Digest [#Issue 2024.03]

Lessons from going freemium: a decision that broke our business As an entrepreneur always considering how to produce a sustaining passive revenue, what licensing model to use, and how to acquire and retain customers, the allure of a freemium model is ever present in so many offerings.

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Moving to using dash ‘-‘ as a delimiter

Spaces or tabs. Using 2 spaces verses 4 spaces. Defining variables as lowercase v InitCap, environment variables UPPERCASE or not, using underscore ‘_’ or dash ‘-‘ as a separator. These are all un-winnable discussions among your friends and colleagues.

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Loops in shell scripting

If you are die hard Bourne Shell (/bin/sh) scripter, it can be a challenge not to be enticed by the syntax niceties of the Born Again Borne Shell (/bin/bash). One example is the `{.

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What is testing?

In software development this is a simple question. What is [the purpose of] testing? If asked to give a one sentence answer what would you say? I have asked this simple question of attendees at many presentations, and also to software developers I have worked with or consulted to.

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