GUI Products

A day with Michael Zinner – Architect of MySQL Workbench

Following A day with Jan Kneschke – Architect of MySQL Proxy , today I’m with Michael Zinner in Vienna, Austria . Michael is Team Lead of the MySQL GUI tools team at MySQL.

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Improving Open Source Databases – WordPress

As part of both my UltimateLAMP side project, and my greater involvement with MySQL Workbench, I’ve been wanting to review and document the database schemas of Open Source products. Indeed, as part of discussions with Mike Zinner of MySQL AB at the recent MySQL Users Conference, I suggested an idea used in the Java World, for example by Clover and Agitar, where to promote the usefullness of their respective tools (in this case code coverage), they provide results against Open Source Products.

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MySQL GUI Products

I’ve started now to actively use more of the MySQL Workbench, MySQL Administrator and MySQL Query Browser and MySQL Migration Toolkit. I am traditionally a very command line person, and it’s important that these skills are never put on the back burner.

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