
Google Maps for Traffic Updates

Saw a new button on Google Maps today called Traffic. Seems they are highlighting traffic congestion. Some real life examples. San Francisco New York . Below is a screen print I took today of the SF area.

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T60 Configuration

This is a long story, of the absolute nightmare I have had with this lemon. I wish I could send it back! I got my new Lenovo T60 from MySQL.

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Top 10 Things for IT Professionals

These IT related lists are really quite accurate. I sound like a broken record sometimes when I repeat these things. The articles provides very good detailed descriptions, I’ve included the bullet points just to temp you to read more.

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That missing INNODB STATUS

On Thursday I saw something I’d not seen before. An Empty Innodb Status. Now given the amount of output normally shown it was certainly a first. And it looked like:

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Watching Replication in action

For all those instant GUI people out there, there is an easy way to watch the present status of your MySQL Slaves using the watch command. $ watch -n 1 -d "

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Smarter indexing for column LIKE ‘%string%’

With my very heavy travel load and skilling load I’ve not had time to scratch myself. It hasn’t stopped the brain working overtime on various issues including the classic find a pattern in a string starting with a wildcard character.

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What is the maximum number of colons ‘:’ that may appear in a valid URL?

In idle conversation I was asked by MM. Question: What is the maximum number of colons ‘:’ that may appear in a valid URL? If you said zero to one, then you are victim of browsers, and you have never used anything but a browser.

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I’ll be speaking at the upcoming 2007 MySQL Conference & Expo (Why they dropped the word User, who knows), this time with Guy Harrison (Author of many books including [MySQL Stored Procedures][1]).

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Using Innodb Primary Keys wisely

At a customer site recently I came across the following table definition for an Innodb table. 140 columns, 3 part primary key totally 44 bytes, 2 million rows giving over 900MB in data size.

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MySQL Camp T-Shirts

For those that attended the MySQL Camp at Google HQ late last year you may have seen me with my own T-Shirt designs. A number of people inquired about getting them.

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How’s your desktop

People that know me, know that I can’t just do one thing at once. People that have seen me work also know just how I can’t just work on a single thing, but work with multiple monitors, desktops and programs everywhere.

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MySQL Predictions for 2007

I’m interested to know what people consider will behold MySQL in 2007? The announcement of “You” as Time person of the year can only considered a huge boost to the opportunities in 2007.

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NY Tech Meetup – Idea Virus

On more thing that came from the NY Tech Meetup last night was the Idea Virus. It was handed out on a piece of paper. Here is what it said.

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NY Tech Meetup

Tonight I headed to the NY Tech Meetup organized by the CEO of Meetup and co-founder of Fotolog, the company my friend Frank works for. This forum provided for quick presentations by new NY high tech ventures and other interesting discussions, then enabling further networking between people.

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