
Your Attack Vector Extends Beyond Production Systems

A common data security issue is the unprotected copying of production data to non-production environments without any redaction, masking, or filtering. This practice poses a serious risk. A malicious actor will target the weakest link in your infrastructure, including non-production accounts and the developer systems accessing them.

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Weekly Musings – May 20, 2022

The Linux Foundation came across my reading path two separate times this week. As I continue to re-establish my larger footprint solely in the open-source ecosystem Setting an Open Source Strategy is a detailed report for any business to identify the potential return on investment (ROI) of participating in the open-source ecosystem.

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Identifying MySQL SSL communication using ngrep

Prior to MySQL 5.7 client communications with a MySQL instance were unencrypted by default. This plaintext capability allowed for various tools including pt-query-digest to analyze TCP/IP traffic. Starting with MySQL 5.

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Disabling the temporary authorization token in devstack keystone

While building my own OpenStack cloud on physical servers I realized that Keystone uses a temporary authorization token in the Create the service entity and API endpoint and Create projects, users, and roles steps.

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Improved Security with MySQL 5.6

Installed on a clean CentOS 6.4 AWS instance. sudo su - cd /tmp wget tar xvf MySQL-5.6.13-1.el6.x86_64.rpm-bundle.tar yum install -y libaio perl rpm -i MySQL*.rpm The following output is the sign that security is being considered with new MySQL versions.

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MySQL client password security

In case you missed it, MySQL 5.6.6, also known as Milestone 9, was recently released. I have yet to install this, however just one part of the MySQL 5.6.6 Release Notes makes placing installing and testing high on my TODO list.

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Encrypting your MySQL backups and more

Assuming you have a backup and recovery strategy in place, how secure is your data? Does a hacker need to obtain access to your production system bypassing all the appropriate security protection you have in place, or just the unencrypted data on the backup server?

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MySQL Security Essentials Presentation

Today at the RMOUG Training Days 2012 event I gave an introduction presentation on MySQL Security Essentials covering the following topics: MySQL Security defaults MySQL Security Improvements OS Security User Privileges Data Integrity Installation Practices Auditing Options Better Security Further References Download slides for MySQL Security Essentials .

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Do you use PHPMyAdmin?

If so then were is it installed on your publicly accessible website. If the location is where the documentation states not to put it, or in other popular locations then you can easily become open to an attack.

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Best Practices: Additional User Security

By default MySQL allows you to create user accounts and privileges with no password. In my earlier MySQL Best Practices: User Security I describe how to address the default installation empty passwords.

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MySQL Best Practices: User Security

It is critical that you do not use the default MySQL installation security, it’s simply insecure. Default Installation When installed, MySQL enables any user with physical permissions to the server to connect to the MySQL via unauthenticated users.

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