Timing your SQL queries

When working interactively with the MySQL client, you receive feedback of the time the query took to complete to a granularity of 10 ms. Enabling profiling is a simple way to get more a more accurate timing of running queries.

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Improving MySQL Productivity – From Design to Implementation

My closing presentation at the dedicated MySQL track at ODTUG Kaleidoscope 2010 discussed various techniques and best practices for improving the ROI of developer resources using MySQL. Included in the sections on Design, Security, Development, Testing, Implementation, Instrumentation and Support were also a number of horror stories of not what to do, combined with practical examples of improving productivity.

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MySQL Idiosyncrasies That Bite

The following are my slides that I presented at ODTUG Kaleidoscope 2010 . This presentation talks about the MySQL defaults including a non-transactional state, silent data truncations, date management, and transaction isolation options.

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Still room at Kaleidoscope for MySQL attendees

Today I received notice that next week’s Velocity conference is at maximum capacity. With just under 2 weeks before the start of ODTUG Kaleidoscope in Washington DC we still have room for late registrations.

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Oracle resources for the MySQL Community

While I have spent a lot of time recently helping the MySQL community interact with and integrate with various Oracle User Groups including ODTUG, IOUG, NoCOUG, NYOUG, DAOG I thought I’d share some resources for the MySQL Community that wanted to know more about Oracle.

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When SET GLOBAL affects SESSION scope

We have all been caught out with using SET and not realizing that the default GLOBAL Scope (since 5.0.2) does not change the current SESSION scope. I was not aware until today that changing GLOBAL scope has some exceptions that also automatically affect SESSION scope.

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Best Practices: Additional User Security

By default MySQL allows you to create user accounts and privileges with no password. In my earlier MySQL Best Practices: User Security I describe how to address the default installation empty passwords.

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Eventually consistent Group Commit

Having just written an interview response about NoSQL concepts for a RDBMS audience it was poetic that an inconspicuous title “(4 of 3)” highlights that both a MySQL read scalable implementation via replication and a NoSQL solution can share a common lack of timely consistency of data.

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mk-query-digest Tips – Showing all hosts & users

The Maatkit tools provide a suite of additional MySQL commands. There is one command I use constantly and that is mk-query-digest. Unfortunately the documentation does leave a lot to be desired for usability.

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tcpdump errors on FreeBSD for mk-query-digest

While I use this tcpdump command for MySQL query analysis with mk-query-digest , I found recently that it didn’t work on FreeBSD $ tcpdump -i bge0 port 3306 -s 65535 -x -n -q -tttt -c 5 tcpdump: syntax error It left me perplexed and reading the man page seemed to indicate my options were valid.

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MySQL Best Practices: User Security

It is critical that you do not use the default MySQL installation security, it’s simply insecure. Default Installation When installed, MySQL enables any user with physical permissions to the server to connect to the MySQL via unauthenticated users.

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MySQL Monitoring – What’s really needed

The implementation of MySQL Monitoring is critical for any organization that uses a database and wants to avoid the inevitable disaster. There are 3 important components that all serve a key purpose to “MySQL Monitoring” in general:

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More on understanding sort_buffer_size

There have been a few posts by Sheeri and Baron today on the MySQL sort_buffer_size variable. I wanted to add some more information about this buffer, what is impacted when it is changed, and what to do about it?

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Free MySQL Event in Washington DC

As the program chair for the recently announced MySQL Track at the ODTUG Kaleidoscope conference located in Washington DC we are also looking into an associated free community event for MySQL locals in addition to a dedicated track for 4 days.

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