Encrypting your MySQL backups and more

Assuming you have a backup and recovery strategy in place, how secure is your data? Does a hacker need to obtain access to your production system bypassing all the appropriate security protection you have in place, or just the unencrypted data on the backup server?

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What compression do you use?

The following is an evaluation of various compression utilities that I tested when reviewing the various options for MySQL backup strategies. The overall winner in performance was pigz, a parallel implementation of gzip.

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Recent Presentations Buenos Aires MySQL/NoSQL/Cloud Conference

The first annual Latin America MySQL/NoSQL/Cloud Conference was held in Buenos Aires Argentina from June 26-28. Kudos to Santiago Lertora from Binlogic who had the vision for the conference in his country and made it happen.

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UTF-8 with MySQL and LAMP

A recent question on a mailing list was the best practices for UTF-8 and PHP/MySQL. The following are the configurations I used in my multi-language projects. MySQL UTF-8 Configuration # my.

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Amateurs – They give us professionals a bad name

Any person with half a brain would see from the error messages below that the MySQL server is not operating optimally, or more specifically the MySQL upgrade has not completely successfully and let users can go happily use the website.

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An excellent conference (5 out of 5 stars)

I wanted to extend thanks as others have also about the excellent annual MySQL Conference, now a Percona Live event. This was easily the best run, attended and energetic event in at least the past 3 years.

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TIMESTAMP data types and CURRENT_TIMESTAMP attribute

In the yet to be released MySQL 5.6.6 DMR, there has been a change to the restriction of just one TIMESTAMP column with the DEFAULT CURRENT_TIMESTAMP and ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP syntax.

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SQL_MODE and storage engines

I was again reminded why setting SQL_MODE is so important in any new MySQL environment. While performing benchmark tests on parallel backup features with a common InnoDB tablespace and per file tablespace, I inadvertently missed an important step in the data migration.

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Why SQL_MODE is essential even when not perfect

In a recent rant on Why I think SQL_MODE is useless… , I wanted to counteract this statement with why we MUST all use SQL_MODE, even with the inherit flaws.

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Colorado MySQL Users Group Presentation

In addition to speaking at RMOUG event in Denver, I also spoke today in Broomfield on “Improving MySQL Performance with Better Indexes”. This presentation included details on : Effective examples of capture SQL via application logging and TCP/IP analysis necessary for identifying the best candidates.

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MySQL Security Essentials Presentation

Today at the RMOUG Training Days 2012 event I gave an introduction presentation on MySQL Security Essentials covering the following topics: MySQL Security defaults MySQL Security Improvements OS Security User Privileges Data Integrity Installation Practices Auditing Options Better Security Further References Download slides for MySQL Security Essentials .

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Exciting upcoming MySQL events

At the IOUC leaders’ summit in San Francisco this week, key leaders from Oracle, Java and MySQL user groups world wide have been meeting. This has included the key Oracle MySQL resources from the community, marketing and product teams.

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Why is searching the manual so hard

As a consultant I often use the MySQL Reference Manual to provide additional information for clients. I am very happy to recognize the quality of the content in the MySQL documentation, but why is the searching of the manual so, so bad?

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The most important MySQL Reference Manual page

In my opinion, The Server Option and Variable Reference at rates as my most important page. This is a consolidated index that enables a drill down to the Server Command Options, System Variables, Startup and replication specifics, as well as important information on default values and differences between versions including point releases.

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