Innodb Plugin
Reasons to use MySQL 5.5 Presentation
I recently gave a presentation at the New York Effective MySQL Meetup on the new features of, and some of the compelling reasons to upgrade to MySQL 5.5. There are also a number of new MySQL variables that can have a dramatic effect on performance in a highly transactional environment, innodb_buffer_pool_instances and innodb_purge_threads are just two to consider.
Read moreLeveraging the InnoDB Plugin
Beginning with MySQL 5.1 as an additional plugin and included by default in MySQL 5.5 the InnoDB plugin includes many performance improvements. To leverage the support of new file formats however a very important setting is necessary.
Read moreFive reasons to upgrade to MySQL 5.5
Updated Nov 2011. Check out my Reasons to use MySQL 5.5 Presentation for more in-depth information about installing/configuring and using MySQL 5.5 I have been looking forward to the general availability (GA) release of MySQL 5.
Read moreCouldn’t load plugin named ‘innodb’
As part of reviewing storage engines for my work on the upcoming Expert PHP and MySQL book, I finally had an excuse to try out the InnoDB Plugin for MySQL which is now conveniently included with MySQL 5.
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