
Wish list for MySQL thread polling events

It is great to draw inspiration from other Open Source communities. Brad Fitzpatrick recently wrote about Android Strict Mode . His twitter tag line for this post was “I see you were doing 120 ms in a 16 ms zone” which is all I needed to hear from somebody who also worries unreasonably about responsiveness (Web site quote).

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First thoughts of Augen Android Internet Tablet

In the last few days there has been some press of the Augen gentouch 7″ Tablet . A new cheap tablet that is running Android 2.1 . Image from There were a few primary motivations for getting one, the first being price, at $150 I consider cheap for a small tablet, and second it runs Android, something I’m wanting to play more with.

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Upgrading my Google G1 dev phone to Android 1.6

To update your Google G1 phone (mine is an Android developer unlocked phone) to Android 1.6 (Donut), I did the following. Download and unpack the Android SDK for Mac OS X from http://developer.

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