Managing SQL Drift: Ensuring Stability in Database Transitions
SQL drift is a significant challenge that occurs when SQL statements from an existing system produce unexpected results after migration to a new environment or system. These issues manifest in several critical ways: SQL statements may generate new execution errors, experience significant performance degradation, or yield differences in data integrity.
Read moreSequences in MySQL
One piece of SQL functionality that doesn’t appear to have any consistency or an ANSI SQL Standard is the management of system generated sequential numbers, used for example in suggorate keys.
Read moreWin4LinPro Trial
In my continuing effort of finding a suitable complete Windows environment under Linux for those small occasions when you just can’t ditch it, I’ve tried Win4Lin. You can download 2 week evaluation copy from the website.
Read moreXP January Meeting
The Brisbane XP Group met yesterday for a presentation by Dr Paul King of Asert on the book Sustainable Software Development : An Agile Perspective. <p> I found it a good time to get a collective opinion and review of the techniques and methods we are moving towards in Software Development.
Read moreDisplaying Images as Text
Well, sometimes you just have to have some fun. Not sure of a pratical use yet. Check out these links.
Read more404 File Not Found
Shamelessly stolen from REALITY 2.0 by Doc Searls. (You know the web, page here today, gone tomorrow. If I just have the link, you may not be able to appreciate the image in the future)
Read moreAdding to the Library Collection
In the past week I’ve added some more reading to my list, extended the library and hammered the credit card. Some of this has been in part to keep abreast of things as a result of being quizzed in job interviews.
Read morePAE Support
Well, learnt a new one today. After a recommendation from a collegue about trying Parellels as a VM tool to run on Linux enabling some more virtual OS’s. (a.k.a. Like VMWare), I eagerly downloaded the rpm and installed.
Read moreTo enum or not to enum?
I’ve never used database columns that embedded defined valid values within the schema definition. Within MySQL there are 2 definitions, ENUM and SET. There are a few reasons why, but first an explanation of these data types.
Read morePlaying .avi files under Linux
Got myself some .avi files but didn’t have a player under CenOS 4.2. MPlayer would appear to rate well as a media player for linux. <br /> yum install mplayer<br /> yum install lame<br /> `
Read moreSupport for Technology Stacks
As part of my next conference presentation Overcoming the Challenges of Establishing Service and Support Channels I’ve been struggling to find with my professional sources, any quality organisations that provide full support for a technology stack, for example a LAMP stack, or a Java Servlet stack.
Read moreBook Review – Beyond Java
Well the title got me when I decided to purchase this book “Beyond Java – A glimpse at the Future of Programming Languages”, however perhaps it should have been titled “Why to move from Java to Ruby” as the book for a good portion is an explanation of how Ruby solves the problems that Java has and the direction Java is moving.
Read moreDowngrading a MySQL schema from 5 to 4
Why oh why would you want to do this. Well it my case, I’ve committed to developing a web application using MySQL 5 features, knowing that I had to upgrade my production server from 4.
Read moreThe challenges of compiling non working Open Source (Part 3)?
I’m not there yet with compiling MySQL Workbench from the previously released 1.0.0-alpha source for linux. I’d like to think I’m getting closer but not really certain. I’m getting good response to my Bug Report #16604 from MySQL Staff.
Read moreUsing Google Talk with Gaim
I signed up for Google Talk some time ago, but just could not get the sucker to operate within Gaim successfully. Seems I was missing an advanced setting as found at http://www.
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