apt & dpkg Reference

I found a good reference page for Debian package management commands apt-??? and dpkg. Check out http://diablo.ucsc.edu/~wgscott/debian/apt-dpkg-ref.html

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Microsoftism’s on my MacBook

Seems Mac OS/X has not escaped the unnecessary annoyances of Windows. Below are details to unstall a product on my MacBook, following it crashing my machine a few times with the “blue screen on death” below.

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Sleeping in Perl for less then a second

E.g. to sleep to 100 ms. select(undef, undef, undef, 0.1);

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Optimal OS Partitions

What is the optimal OS partition layout for a database server? I’ve seen so many different configurations for OS partitions of recent time, none to my satisfaction. Historically, in Unix days 20 years agao, long before RAID and SAN’s all my experiences were for strongly defined partitions.

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MacBook Essential Installs

I’m being able to spend more time using my MacBook finally. The following are some essential tools I needed to install. Firefox – Browser Skype – Chat, Voice Calling Colloquy – IRC Chat VLC – Media Player for xVid Mac the Ripper – DVD Extractor Parallels – Virtualization for Windows XP

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Another new Google Maps feature – Terrain

So checking Google Maps in the past few days and I see yet another new button, this one [Terrain]

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Mac Printscreen

There are many things I’m coming to grip with on my new MacBook. One is missing buttons on the screen, like Page Up, Page Down and PrntSc. Well I at least found out from Eric that I can get Print Screen with the following keyboard syntax.

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Procedure privileges

I came across a problem on site yesterday. In moving the development environment to a new server and creating more appropriate permissions for users (they were using ALL on *.*) I found that the Java application would crash with a NullPointerException.

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MySQL under Mac OS/X 10.5

Time to install MySQL on my new MacBook . $ cd /opt $ wget http://dev.mysql.com/get/Downloads/MySQL-5.0/mysql-5.0.45-osx10.4-i686.tar.gz/from/http://mysql.mirrors.hoobly.com/ $ tar xvfz mysql-5.0.45-osx10.4-i686.tar.gz $ cd mysql-5.0.45-ox10.4-i686 $ scripts/mysql_install_db Installing MySQL system tables... 071129 22:10:48 [Warning] Setting lower_case_table_names=2 because file system for /opt/mysql-5.

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iPhone bug

I discovered a bug on my iPhone. The issue was around Daylight saving. Thanks to Dock I was able to take screenshots which was much better then photos. In Calendar when you select 1am on the scrollers, you get 1am as the start time.

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My Hacked iPhone

I installed Dock on my iPhone and it gave a very handy and wanted Screen Shot function. So now I can show my present iPhone screen. It looks like: Apart from the obvious differences of different and more icons, I have by background behind icons, and I’ve turned off the text, so you need to know the icon means.

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Installing Skype

A fresh install of my laptop with Ubuntu 7.10 after stuff just didn’t work causes pains sometimes of the installed programs. Skype being one of them. Goto Skype for Linux and get the Ubuntu installer.

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My MacBook

I arrived home last night at midnight from San Francisco to a pile of mail and a number of packages. My shiny new MacBook had arrived. It was rather ridiculous that I wanted a HDD upgrade and I could no buy it in the store.

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MySQL at Oracle Open World

Yes, it may seem rather strange to the readers but MySQL has a booth at this week’s Oracle Open World 2007 and I’m here in San Francisco Wednesday and Thursday. If your in SF come in and say hi.

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