Websites in review – Week 1

I often come across new websites, quite often by accident, or by indirection in links from looking at other details. The Internet is an amazing place, and one could spend all day reading such a variety information and only touch on just a few specific topics.

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Monetization through Online Advertising

Next week I will be the panel moderator for September 2008 Entrepreneurs Forum on “Monetization through Online Advertising” organized by Ultra Light Startups™ . A slightly different approach to my regular speaking schedule, it will be good to observe and interact with our speakers.

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A 5.1 QEP nicety – Using join buffer

I was surprised to find yesterday when using MySQL 5.1.26-rc with a client I’m recommending 5.1 to, some information not seen in the EXPLAIN plan before while reviewing SQL Statements.

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An intestesting approach to free hosting

I came across the OStatic Free hosting service that provide Solaris + Glassfish (Java Container) + MySQL. They offer “Now you can get free Web hosting on Cloud Computing environment free of charge for up to 12 months.

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Get linked to Drizzle

We are always looking at different ways to help promote, inform and identify contributers, users and supports for Drizzle . One way is to join the Linked In Drizzle group (click here when logged in).

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VirtualBox, compiling Part 2

So I managed to find all dependencies after some trial and error for compiling VirtualBox 1.6.4 under Ubuntu 8.0.4, then finding the Linux build instructions to confirm. It was not successful however in building, throwing the following error:

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Interacting with BuildBot using IRC

Using BuildBot for Drizzle has been a great way to help in the verification of the sometimes rapid code changes that are being committed. Curious why the IRC notifier within BuildBot only joined and exited the #drizzle channel in IRC, some further investigation of the IRC Documentation lead to more information to share.

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Virtual Box, a world of hurt

I successfully installed Virtual box via a few simply apt-get commands under Ubuntu 8.04 via these instructions . It started fine, after two small annoying, install this module, add this group messages.

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Drizzle has it’s own dedicated feed

For those that have been using Planet MySQL to follow the progress of Drizzle , we now have our own Planet Drizzle . You can also get a RSS feed directly from http://feeds.

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Choosing MySQL 5.1 over 5.0

I have been asked twice this week what version of MySQL I would choose for a new project. As with most questions in life the answer is: It Depends? In general I would now recommend for a new project to select 5.

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Project Darkstar

It may sound like either a astronomical research project or a Star Wars spin- off, but Project Darkstar is an open source infrastructure from Sun Microsystems that states “simplify the development and operation of massively scalable online games, virtual worlds, and social networking applications.

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Interesting site of the day

TwitHire – For those employers that both have Twitter accounts and time to advertise a job in 140 characters or less. There should be a website that is devoted to everything based on Twitter.

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What are the best MySQL Design Practices?

Tonight I provided a scope in Best Design Practices for MySQL Applications – Part A of just how much there is to consider with a successful application. I only scratched the surface in some detail, a topic one could easily write a book on, and definitely provide a number more presentations.

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Finding, exposing and referencing good material

I came across by accident. Like many sites and information these days, you simply don’t find via search engines because your normally searching for something specific. I did find it via several levels of hyperlinks.

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