Managing SQL Drift: Ensuring Stability in Database Transitions

SQL drift is a significant challenge that occurs when SQL statements from an existing system produce unexpected results after migration to a new environment or system. These issues manifest in several critical ways: SQL statements may generate new execution errors, experience significant performance degradation, or yield differences in data integrity.

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Monitoring MySQL with MONyog

It just works. In absence of any MySQL monitoring for your site, I have found no solution that gets you operational as quickly and easily. MONyog can be deployed in 60 seconds, and configured in another 60 seconds.

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MySQL Permissions – Restarting MySQL

I am working with a client that is using managed hosting on dedicated servers. This has presented new challenges in obtaining the right permissions to undertake MySQL tasks but not have either ‘root’ or ‘mysql’ access and not have to involve a third party everytime.

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Monitoring MySQL resource limits

I have for the first time seen a client implement MySQL Resource Limits . I got the following error tying to connect to the database. $ mysql -udba -p ERROR 1226 (42000): User 'dba' has exceeded the 'max_user_connections' resource (current value: 10) I see from the documentation the ability to see the limits in the mysql.

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Monitoring MySQL Product Options

I’ve had plenty of comments on specific products to Monitoring MySQL Options before providing the completed list. Here are the results from my survey to give everybody a more complete list.

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Monitoring MySQL options

My recent poll What alert monitoring do you use? showed 25% of the 58 respondents to bravely state they had no MySQL monitoring. I see 1 in 3, ~33% in my consulting so this is consistent.

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Unknown locale for statpack & maatkit

I had trouble today on a client site using my MySQL power tools Maatkit and Statpack . $ ~/scripts/ --files=mysql.status.091015.080001.txt,mysql.status.091015.090001.txt Traceback (most recent call last): File "/home/rbradfor/scripts/", line 563, in ?

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Take a look at mk-query-digest

Q: What SQL is running on your MySQL database server now? A: The bane of pain for MySQL DBA’s when there is no official MySQL instrumentation that is dynamic and fine grained sufficiently to solve this problem at the SQL interface.

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Simplicity – Always strive for a simpler solution. This is a principle I have held and have used for many years in my technology based profession. It’s very surprising that many organizations when addressing a problem forget to look at what is indeed right infront of them.

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Looking just at the data

There are many areas you need to review when addressing MySQL performance such as current database load, executed SQL statements, connections, configuration parameters, memory usage, disk to memory ratio, hardware performance & bottlenecks just to name a few.

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What alert monitoring do you use?

More importantly, how often to you confirm access to your server and database with that alert monitoring? With a client yesterday the primary database server while still usable and serving connections for a while, but was not accessible via SSH to investigate performance issues.

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NoSQL options

The NoSQL event in New York had a number of presentations on non relational technologies including of Hadoop , MongoDB and CouchDB . Coming historically from a relational background of 20 years with Ingres , Oracle and MySQL I have been moving my focus towards non relational data store.

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If I was to provide one tip for organizations on how to implement a successful technology solution, I would state you need to ensure your product/software/system is completely testable. Independent on how you elect to test your system, the design of creating a completely testable infrastructure will enable exponential savings as your business grows.

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Unexplained function output

I was asked today to confirm the operation of INET_ATON() and INET_NTOA() functions for converting IP4 strings to numeric representations. My tests on the machine I was just connected to at the very instant reported the following results.

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MySQL Query Cache path

Just how effective is the Query Cache on performance? If you are not comfortable reading the MySQL code you can cheat very easily with the SHOW PROFILE command. This demonstration will show you at a high level the relative impact without and with the Query Cache.

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