Finalized speakers list for Kaleidoscope conference

We have secured approval for our final two speakers and now have a full schedule for the 4 day MySQL track at ODTUG Kaleidoscope conference. The conference is in Washington DC from Monday June 28th to Thursday July 1st.

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Why is my database slow?

Not part of my Don’t Assume series, but when a client states “Why is my database slow””, you need to determine if indeed the database is slow. Some simple tools come to the rescue here, one is Firebug .

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More on understanding sort_buffer_size

There have been a few posts by Sheeri and Baron today on the MySQL sort_buffer_size variable. I wanted to add some more information about this buffer, what is impacted when it is changed, and what to do about it?

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Free MySQL Event in Washington DC

As the program chair for the recently announced MySQL Track at the ODTUG Kaleidoscope conference located in Washington DC we are also looking into an associated free community event for MySQL locals in addition to a dedicated track for 4 days.

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The MySQL community impacting the Oracle community

I’m happy to announce that the MySQL community has been given the opportunity to speak at the upcoming Oracle Developer Tools User Group (ODTUG) Kaleidoscope conference in Washington DC. We will be releasing more details this week of the MySQL presentations and topics and we are finalizing details of possible options to include the local MySQL community during the event.

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The MySQL documentation is not always right

Let me premise this post with the statement I think the MySQL documentation is an excellent and highly accurate resource. I think the MySQL docs team do a great job, however like software and people, documentation is not perfect.

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The Drizzle Census

One thing I have often wondered is just how many MySQL instances exist in the world and what MySQL versions and architectures are in use. We hear of 50,000 windows downloads per day but this is misleading because MySQL is basically bundled with Linux by default or installed from various repositories.

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Installation issues with MySQL 5.5.4 and resolveip

I was installing the latest MySQL 5.5.4 on a new machine and I came across the following issues during installation, steps I generally perform on other versions without any incidents.

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2010 MySQL Conference Presentations

I have uploaded my three presentations from the 2010 MySQL Users Conference in Santa Clara, California which was my 5th consecutive year appearing as a speaker. IGNITION – MySQLCamp for Oracle DBA – Volume I LIFTOFF – MySQLCamp for Oracle DBA – Volume 2 10x Performance Improvements – A Case Study A full history of my MySQL presentations can be found on the Presenting page.

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My acceptance with Oracle as ACE Director

I hinted last week of my acceptance with Oracle before the formal announcement this week at the MySQL Users Conference, not for a job but as Oracle ACE Director . In today’s State of the MySQL Community keynote by Kaj Arnö I was one of the first three MySQL nominees that are now part of this program.

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State of the Dolphin – Opening keynote

Edward Screven – Chief Corporate Architect of Oracle provided the opening keynote at the 2010 MySQL Users Conference . Overall I was disappointed. The first half was more an Oracle Sales pitch, we had some product announcements, we had some 5.

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My acceptance with Oracle

There have been a number of April fools jokes today so I thought I’d add my own to the list. While this sounds unexpected it’s actually no joke. I just accepted a position with Oracle yesterday but I can’t say any more about the details until the MySQL users conference in a few weeks.

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Using ROLLBACK with MyISAM is useless. A ROLLBACK command is used to undo any DML that occurs during a transaction (i.e. START TRANSACTION and COMMIT). The MySQL default storage engine MyISAM does not support transactions.

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Installing Ubuntu Desktop 10.04 with LVM

With a new quad core desktop with 8GB RAM & 1TB HDD I wanted to install the Ubuntu desktop version using LVM. This is not possible with the “Desktop CD”. You need to use the “alternative CD” which will easily allow you to configure LVM via a text/cursors installation and also give you a deskop GNOME environment.

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