
What do MySQL staff think of the acquisition?

It finally dawned on me while reflecting on the year past this Sunday that the missing voice since the announcement of the Oracle acquisition of Sun Microsystems (and therefore MySQL) has been the MySQL employees.

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What’s new in MySQL 5.4.1

Absolutely nothing? 5.4.0 was released with a change in the MySQL Binary distributions , delivering only 1 64bit Linux platform and two Sun Solaris platforms. This was officially announced on April 21 2009 however the 5.

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A change in the MySQL Binary distributions

Yesterday was the surprise announcement of MySQL 5.4 at the 2009 MySQL Conference and Expo. It was unfortunate that the supporting information was not that forthcoming on the MySQL website. I tried for several hours to try and download, but no mirrors were initially available.

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Where is the MySQL in Sun’s announcement

I find it surprising that in the official Sun Announcement there is no mention of MySQL for two reasons. Firstly, this was Sun largest single purchase of $1 billion only 12 months ago.

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Classic quotes – Community One East

The CommunityOne East 2009 conference has finished up. There were a few classic statements made by the speakers during the day. They included. “We have a community reception, that’s a long way to say free beer.

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Your Code, Your Community, Your Cloud… Project Kenai

Following the opening keynote announcement about Kenai I ventured into a talk on Project Kenai . With today’s economy, the drive is towards efficiency is certainly a key consideration, it was quoted that dedicated hosting servers only run at 30% efficiency.

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Everybody is talking About Clouds

From the opening keynote at CommunityOne East we begin with Everybody is talking About Clouds. It’s difficult to get a good definition, the opening cloud definition today was Software/Platform/Storage/Database/Infrastructure as a service.

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CommunityOne East – An open developer conference

With an opening video from – an individual taking random you-tube video and producing video mashup’s, the CommunityOne East conference in New York, NY beings. The opening introduction was by Chief Sustainability Officer Dave Douglas.

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Hurting the little guy?

Today I come back from the dentist, if that wasn’t bad enough news, I get an email from Google AdWords titled Your Google AdWords Approval Status. In the email, all my AdWords campaigns are now disapproved, because of:

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An intestesting approach to free hosting

I came across the OStatic Free hosting service that provide Solaris + Glassfish (Java Container) + MySQL. They offer “Now you can get free Web hosting on Cloud Computing environment free of charge for up to 12 months.

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VirtualBox, compiling Part 2

So I managed to find all dependencies after some trial and error for compiling VirtualBox 1.6.4 under Ubuntu 8.0.4, then finding the Linux build instructions to confirm. It was not successful however in building, throwing the following error:

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Virtual Box, a world of hurt

I successfully installed Virtual box via a few simply apt-get commands under Ubuntu 8.04 via these instructions . It started fine, after two small annoying, install this module, add this group messages.

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Project Darkstar

It may sound like either a astronomical research project or a Star Wars spin- off, but Project Darkstar is an open source infrastructure from Sun Microsystems that states “simplify the development and operation of massively scalable online games, virtual worlds, and social networking applications.

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Sun Stock Prices

Sun Microsystem’s (NASDAQ:JAVA ) hit a low this week of $8.71. There was a stronger rally and a close at $9.16 today. The financial times reports Sun Micro chief sees rays of hope , and Bloomberg Sun Rises After Fourth-Quarter Profit Tops Estimates .

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