Open Source

The challenges of compiling non working Open Source?

One of the great benefits of Open Source, it’s Free, and you can get great support, sometimes even from the developers directly (rather then 5 levels of paid customer support for a commercial product).

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Database Modelling Software for MySQL

I’m stuck between a rock and a hard place. I’ve been using DBDesigner 4 from FabForce, an open source visual design tool, and apart from working around a number of bugs, I’ve found it practical to design from scratch.

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How many installations, and just what are they doing?

Would it not be great if on the MySQL website there was a page of stats (updated daily) that provided statistics like number of installations, a breakdown of versions registered (not certain I like that exact word) , OS’s, countries etc.

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Being a little despondent regarding Spring, a framework I’ve chosen to skill up in Read More , I’ve changed tack to investigate further Ruby. I was in a training demonstration of Ruby late last year, I’ve had other colleagues talk about it, and in a number of readings of late, Ruby has been making an impact, so time to delve in.

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Linux Format Reader Awards 2006

The Linux Format magazine is having it’s annual reader awards in a number of categories. These include (I’ve include my picks after each category): Best Desktop Application (Gnome) Best Distro (CentOS 4.

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Adding to the Library Collection

I took the chance today to order some books from Amazon today to add to the library. Of course I’m still reading 2 current books Spring in Action and the MySQL Certification Study Guide in order to site the second MySQL Professional Certification Exam.

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XP Group in Brisbane

Brisbane has another XP Group. Just found out about it. Info can be found at . I’ve been involved in some part in 2 previous groups in Brisbane. I’m thinking about some ideas myself, I’ve got all the XP skills, however I’m now skilling up in Spring (a full-stack Java/J2EE application framework) and Hibernate (a powerful, ultra-high performance object/relational persistence and query service for Java).

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Speaking at MySQL Users Group

I’m preparing to speak at the next MySQL Brisbane Users Group in Febraury 2006. My topic will be Know your competitor – A MySQL Developers Guide to Using Oracle Express Edition.

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Upcoming Open Source Conference Presentation

I’ve been working recently on a paper I’m presenting to a conference in February 2006 titled Implementing Open Source for Optimal Business Performance. I’ve got the final glossy brochure yesterday so I now have something to show everybody.

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Myths Open Source Developers Tell Ourselves

Some interesting points from this ONLamp article on Myths Open Source Developers Tell Ourselves Publishing your Code Will Attract Many Skilled and Frequent Contributors Myth: Publicly releasing open source code will attract flurries of patches and new contributors.

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A better approach to using China for software development

India and China are the next powerhouses of software development, simply due to the numbers, but I’ve never heard a good report (maybe I have to dig deeper). My recent experiences are with Australian companies placing call centres in these countries, and almost always the language barrier is a clear limit.

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Responses to some Oracle v’s MySQL Questions

I was asked a few questions by a reporter thru a collegue, here is an extract of the discussion. 1) Based on your initial experience with Oracle Database Express Edition, what are your initial thoughts on the product in terms of meeting developer needs?

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How can Oracle 10g Express Edition target MySQL?

As I mentioned earlier , is MySQL a target of the new Oracle 10g Express Edition. Maybe not specifically, but let’s assume it’s on the radar screen. What can Oracle do to woe MySQL users and developers?

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Oracle 10g Express Edition Target Audience. Is it MySQL?

Just where is Oracle planning on targeting the new Oracle 10g Express Edition? The obvious answer would be to counter the arch nemesis Microsoft, and the low end product offerings, like the MS SQL Server and the low end free engine MSDE.

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