Open Source

MySQL Workbench 1.0.1 First Impressions

These are my first impressions of MySQL WorkBench 1.0.1. Rant and rave you may say, but a new user, or an experienced modeller would probably observe these points. Also, given that (with a poll?

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A working MySQL Workbench Under Linux

I must admit I’d given up trying to get MySQL Workbench working under Linux. I guess I’d spent at least 4 or 5 days full time at it, and it was just out of my league, with GTK and C++ errors.

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Federated Syntax

I’ve never used Federated. I’m waiting for the JDBC version capabilities so I can connect to a non MySQL Server (specifically Oracle). In reading the docs, I see that the syntax includes a CONNECTION String.

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Brisbane MySQL Users Group Meeting with Brian Aker

We had the privilege of Brian Aker Director of Architecture for MySQL speaking at the Brisbane MySQL Users Group this week (28 th Jan 2006). After the initial discussions on various topics, Brian got into his discussion on MySQL 5.

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Solving the GLIBCXX_3.4.4, GLIBCXX_3.4.5, GLIBCXX_3.4.6 error

Let’s review the problem. I’ve got this on a number of occasions and different libraries. Here are some typical error conditions. ./mysql-workbench-bin: /usr/lib/ version `GLIBCXX_3.4.5' not found (required by ./mysql-workbench-bin) Error: Missing Dependency: libstdc++.

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Another Enterprise LAMP stack provider

ActiveGrid, the Enterprise LAMP company, provides a service-oriented application platform built on the lightweight architecture of the proven LAMP software infrastructure stack. ActiveGrid Enterprise LAMP simplifies and speeds the development of service-oriented applications that weave together existing enterprise systems into new rich web applications and services.

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Building MySQL Workbench 1.0.1 for Linux (Part 2)

Following my earlier post of MySQL Workbench 1.0.1 for Linux and logging a MySQL Bug, I’ve had the Bug verified, and the a further update of a compiler success. Details of compile from Bug #16880

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Blog/Wiki Spamming – What makes your blood boil

Well this is low. I’ve just been spammed on my Wiki . And it was cunning, I just found it by accident. An enterprising hacker embedded into my Home Page hidden links that were not visible via normal page view, but ultimately would be via a search bot or some other means.

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MySQL Sakila Sample Application

I’m sure you are all aware by now of Mike Hillyer’s MySQL Sakila Sample Database that will be launched at the MySQL Conference. We now have an official MySQL Forum for this as well.

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MySQL Workbench 1.0.1 for Linux

Just released at the MySQL Forums yesterday an updated source version of MySQL Workbench for Linux available at . So can Version 1.0.1 compile when I had no success with compiling 1.

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Downgrading a MySQL schema from 5 to 4 (Part 2)

As requested by <a href=“" target=_blank”>Frank, here are the working parts of my earlier Downgrading a MySQL schema from 5 to 4 article. The Problem To recap, I received a MySQL Version 5.

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Sequences in MySQL

One piece of SQL functionality that doesn’t appear to have any consistency or an ANSI SQL Standard is the management of system generated sequential numbers, used for example in suggorate keys.

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Support for Technology Stacks

As part of my next conference presentation Overcoming the Challenges of Establishing Service and Support Channels I’ve been struggling to find with my professional sources, any quality organisations that provide full support for a technology stack, for example a LAMP stack, or a Java Servlet stack.

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The challenges of compiling non working Open Source (Part 2)?

Did I push to much in my last post? I don’t think so, but I guess it’s a fragile balance sometimes in Open Source between those keen end users, and the developers that do give so much towards their own creations (I understand, I’m in that category myself).

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