
Integrating SVN into Eclipse

Being a CVS Version Control Person, I’ve had to learn Subversion as part of Open Source Contribution. Both MySQL and JMeter use SVN. Steps for integration of SVN into Eclipse IDE.

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Installing MySQL 5 via rpm

I don’t think I’ve ever installed MySQL via .rpm I have always installed via .tar.gz primarilarly because I’m an /opt system administrator from my old UNIX days. so my first experience installing on my CentOS 4.

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More on Oracle Procedures Functionality (Part 2)

As mentioned in my earlier post Emulating Oracle Output Functionality, I’ll be speaking at the MySQL Users Conference on the topic of MySQL for Oracle Developers. Here is the second in a series of points regarding current MySQL Stored Procedures and Functions functionality.

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Correction to earlier MySQL Statement

I stand corrected on my earlier post Emulating Oracle Output Functionality (which I’ve updated) when I made a reference to MySQL catching up. That was not what I was implying, that MySQL had to catchup to Oracle.

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A Basic MySQL Developer Installation

Given a new Linux Installation, the following is my recommendation for installation of MySQL for a experienced software developer giving flexibility in a development environment. Under normal circumstances, most distros include MySQL either in a default server installation or on the distribution CD’s.

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What should I install?

I was asked a simple question today by a collegue who is an experiened Java Developer and Oracle user and had just installed SUSE on his personal laptop, to align closer with his work environment.

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Data Modelling

I’m a data modeller. I specialise in this, and for a number of years on large projects I’ve been able to focus on this single task within the System Development Life Cycle of software development for several months at a time.

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Format new Linux Disk

fdisk /dev/hdb mkfs.ext3 /dev/hdb1 mkdir /u03 mount -t ext3 /dev/hdb1 /u03 ls /u03 umount /u03 vi /etc/fstab mount /u03

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Contributing to JMeter

As part of my using JMeter for the purpose of testing a new Transactional storage engine PBXT for MySQL, I’ve been investigating the best approach for handling transactions. Read more about earlier decisions at my earlier post Testing a new MySQL Transactional Storage Engine .

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Withdrawl symptoms

I’ve recently started a new contract position, and the combination of more restrictive working hours, and at least 1 hour travel each way each day, has lead to me not being about to write like I have of late.

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Emulating Oracle Output Functionality

Updated 28-mar-2006 There really is no way to do a comparision by numbers in features and functionality when it comes to Oracle and MySQL in the area of Stored Procedures and Triggers.

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Just how many articles are at Planet MySQL?

I was trying to find an old article at Planet MySQL . One about a MySQL UDF to write to /var/log/messages. No luck. Anyway, there is no search option on the site, and the latest addition of 10 entries per page makes it difficult to review pages.

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MySQL Forge

I was reading Zack Urlocker’s MySQL Workbench Beta article and was keen to look at the Extensible architecture. Not much detail yet in the Figure Stylesheets, Scripts and Plugins, which will be good when it’s there, however it lead me to another secret.

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Another dissappointing MySQL article

Another slightly disappointing article regarding MySQL, this one from a printed magazine. Below are my comments to the editor of Linux Format. The Dear Editor is an email link should others wish to make any comments.

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