
MySQL Winter of Code

Our first session in Day 2 of the MySQL Camp was the MySQL Winter of Code, as well as an overview of the QA Pilot program and Overview of the Community Doxygen Project by Kaj Arnö and Jay Pipes.

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They start young nowadays

Colin, son of Gary is officially the youngest attendee of the [MySQL Camp][1]. The new breed of MySQL DBA’s. Colin really loves the swivel chairs, and now has is own Google shirt courtesy of Leslie!

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Day 1 – Memorable Quotes

Plenty of people are writing highly technical stuff from MySQL Camp including your’s truly. However there needs to be a lighter side here, and well this is it, Memorable Quotes.

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Testing on the toilet

Yes you got it, even while in the restroom here at Google (you can’t say toilets here in the US, because that’s the device), Google keeps you occupied while standing or sitting with the writings of “Testing on the Toilet”.

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MySQL Camp – Introductions & Comments

The great thing about this unconference, is the lack of total formal structure. For now , our first session we are having an open introduction of people, there are at good 60+ people here already, and people rolling in, and it’s great to hear people’s background, and also to bag Jeremy Cole at every opportunity.

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Google update – another 2 mins later

I’m outside enjoying a very lovely Danish and Orange juice with Jay and Leslie, and like 3 motorised scooters and a guy on a skateboard goes past. Did I mention how cool this place is!

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My own Googlewear

So like two minutes later, some official looking Google people come over and saw “Come on over and get your Google Shirt”. So before the last past is even cold, we have our own Googlewear.

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Everybody here (that is not us visitors) are wearing Google shirts. It must be an official clothing label. So Sheeri says “Actually they are just extras, they have been hired for the day.

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MySQL Quotes

Frank was on a role with MySQL quotes (it’s 1am here in New York – All that Red Bull & Vodka). Here are some of them: Let me scale you!

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The impact of Mathematics in our RDBMS world

We sometimes forget the impact of early mathematicians. Take for example John Venn who introduced the Venn diagram in 1881. This is fundamental for Set Theory, and also fundamental for SQL, the basis of retrieving data in a RDBMS.

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UltimateLAMP Passwords

For those passwords I have not clearly mentioned within the included wiki documents, here is a summary. UltimateLAMP is built on the VMWare Browser Appliance application, so all Linux passwords match the supplied default.

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A summary introduction to Agile

Agile Development Methodology: – Most popular Implementations: Extreme Programming (XP), SCRUM, Crystal Links Manifesto for Agile Software Development General XP Introduction Agile Resource (Ron Jefferies) Good Diagram The New Metholodgy (Martin Fowler) http://martinfowler.

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Linux One Liner – dirtree alternative

Linux has a cool command called dirtree that gives a more visual representation of your directory structure. If you have the misfortune of working on a Unix variant that doesn’t have it, checkout this cool one liner.

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Log Buffer #13: a Carnival of the Vanities for DBAs

Unlike fellow author Giuseppe of last week’s Log Buffer #12 I volunteered for the job of this week’s Log Buffer . Lots to say, so little time, so lets get started with Log Buffer #13.

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