Beyond MySQL GA: patches, storage engines, forks, and pre-releases – FOSDEM 2010
Kristian Nielsen presented “Beyond MySQL GA: patches, storage engines, forks, and pre-releases”. This included a history of current products: Google Patches (5.0 & 5.1) included improvements in : statistics/monitoring lock contention binlog malloc() filesorts innodb I/O and wait statistics SHOW …STATISTICS statements smp scalability I/O scalability semisync replication many more Percona Patches (5.
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The next presentation by Piotr Biel from Percona was on Multi-Master Manager for MySQL. The introduction included a discussion of the popular MySQL HA solutions including: MySQL Master-slave replication with failover MMM managed bi-directional replication Heartbeat/SAN Heartbeat/DRBD NDB Cluster A key problem that was clarified in the talk is the discussion of Multi-Master and this IS NOT master-master.
Read more10x Performance Improvements in MySQL – A Case Study
The slides for my presentation at FOSDEM 2010 are now available online at slideshare . In this presentation I describe a successful client implementation with the result of 10x performance improvements.
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Following the opening keynote “Dolphins, now and beyond”, Marc Delisle presented on “State of phpMyAdmin”. phpMyAdmin is an DBA administration tool for MySQL available today in 57 different languages. This is found today in many distributions, LAMP stack products and also in cpanel.
Read moreDolphins, now & beyond – FOSDEM 2010
I had the honor of opening the day at the MySQL developer room at FOSDEM 2010 where I had a chance to talk about the MySQL product and community, now and what’s happening moving forward.
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