
What is a BLOB?

If your answer was Binary Large Object, then you would be wrong. Check out Mike’s comments on History of Database Blobs from the man that created the BLOB, Mr Jim Starkey.

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Mercurial Version Control Software

I got asked (being a Java developer) about what was involved in creating an Eclipse Plugin for Mercurial. Well in true Google style, why invent when somebody probably already has. A quick check finds Mercurial Eclipse by VecTrace.

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What is software quality?

Greg Lehey wrote today Is MySQL getting buggier?. The underlying question of his comments is a more fundamental and passionate topic, and especially for me. That is “Software Quality”. The quintessential question is this.

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Differences in syntax between mysql and mysqltest

As I wrote earlier in Using the MySQL Test Suite I found an issue with using the current MySQL Sakila Sample Database as a test with mysqltest. I was running an older version of 5.

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Using PBXT 0.9.5

Paul has released Version 0.95 of his PBXT MySQL Transactional Storage Engine. Here is what I did to get it operational under CentOS 4.3. su - useradd pbxt su - pbxt wget http://www.

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Using the MySQL Test Suite

MySQL provides two different tools to test the MySQL Server with SQL statements. One is mysqltest and in 5.1 mysqlslap. Both of these tools have quite different purposes. This is a quick review of the usage of mysqltest.

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Using Cascade in Foreign Keys

For those that are using a Referential Integrity based Storage Engine in MySQL, the use of Foreign Keys can provide an extra level of data integrity within your application. There are of course caveats to this statement, such as correct design, proper transactional use etc, but that’s a topic for another time.

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What constitutes a good error message to the user?

Today, will go down in my professional history as quite possibly the lowest I would ever think of a software developer. I’ve carefully avoided the term “fellow coder”, speaking of a IT industry sticking by fellow IT people, but not today.

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MySQL Ideas

Seems I have over time, thought of many ideas, jotted some notes on some, and even done some work, but everybody knows that “home projects” can take a long time.

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Improving Open Source Databases – WordPress

As part of both my UltimateLAMP side project, and my greater involvement with MySQL Workbench, I’ve been wanting to review and document the database schemas of Open Source products. Indeed, as part of discussions with Mike Zinner of MySQL AB at the recent MySQL Users Conference, I suggested an idea used in the Java World, for example by Clover and Agitar, where to promote the usefullness of their respective tools (in this case code coverage), they provide results against Open Source Products.

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Migrating an MyISAM schema to use Referential Integrity

Here are some steps involved. Using the current MySQL defacto engine InnoDB. Of course, Falcon, PBXT and others will enable alternative engines to be used. Convert Table Storage Engine Types

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Restyling a Mediwiki Installation – Lesson 1

Following my implementation of UltimateLAMP , read heaps more at this thread , I undertook to provide customizations of a MediaWiki Installation. Here is the first lesson that you can undertake if you wish to beautify the default MediaWiki Installation.

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This product is no longer available. This was created over 6 years ago and software is too out of date. As I discussed earlier in [A picture can tell a thousand words][1], I outlined briefly what the intention of **UltimateLAMP** was for.

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A picture can tell a thousand words

I’m a keen advocate of MySQL. However, while I use it and promote it within my limited IT circles, I often wonder how MySQL can get better traction and exposure, especially within both the industry sectors and physical locations where I am presently.

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