Clever Design

TDD for Infrastructure

Test Driven Development (TDD) is an important principle for producing quality software. This is not a new concept. The Extreme Programming (XP) agile methodology (1999) outlined the concept before the acronym became more widely accepted as “Another requirement is testability.

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Watching what you say?

Marten has opened the 2008 MySQL Conference and Expo this morning in Santa Clara. What was funny in the early slides was the photo showing the burning of the IPO Prospectus.

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Video Ads

On FaceBook I came across . One of the ad providers. They get points for a very creative site. Not convinced about their revenue model possibilities, but after seeing a presentation by LinkStorm at the recent Hatchery VC meeting are CPM based ads on a revival.

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Web Site – Stumble Upon

This week eBay bought Stumble Upon . Popular names that are also eBay companies include PayPal and Skype for example. It’s rather cool, it lists hot sites that people discover. As if I didn’t have enough to look at.

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Clever Design – Lost Password

Type: <td> Image </td> Source: <td> <a href="">Online Web Site</a> </td> Comments: <td> Takes a boring but essential component of any community web site and gives clear sense of what we have all done at some time previously.

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Clever Design – Australian Beer Export

Type: <td> Image </td> Source: <td> Billlboard inside Brisbane Airport </td> Comments: <td> Simplicity, appropriateness with poster location and with a great Aussie icon. </td>

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Clever Design – Presenting your business card visually

Type: <td> Image </td> Source: <td> <a href="">Online Slide Presentation</a> (See Slide 67) </td> Comments: <td> Provides your details with that human touch, subtle but personal </td>

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New Category – Clever Design

I am sometimes really impressed by Clever Design in print media or TV media. Over the years I’ve even collected piles of ideas, who knows where they all are now. Time to consolidate into one area, a new category on my Blog aptly named “Clever Design”.

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