
Using Cascade in Foreign Keys

For those that are using a Referential Integrity based Storage Engine in MySQL, the use of Foreign Keys can provide an extra level of data integrity within your application. There are of course caveats to this statement, such as correct design, proper transactional use etc, but that’s a topic for another time.

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Guidelines for managing embedded external project dependencies

I’ve yet to find any Java project that doesn’t have dependancies on some other Open Source external libraries. I’ve yet to find a Java project that manages these external dependencies appropiately for support and integration at an enterprise level.

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What constitutes a good error message to the user?

Today, will go down in my professional history as quite possibly the lowest I would ever think of a software developer. I’ve carefully avoided the term “fellow coder”, speaking of a IT industry sticking by fellow IT people, but not today.

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Open Office Spell Checker

I don’t know why it just isn’t installed by default, but Open Office 2 didn’t install any dictionaries. What’s more depressing, is you go to do a spell check, and it simply states Spelling is Complete.

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FireFox’s Live Bookmarks

I’m just about to launch a new project I’ve been working on in the past week. It has a RSS feed, and I wanted to ensure that within FireFox, this could be picked up as a live bookmark.

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The 100 Best Products of 2005

I just created a seperate Gmail account for a new project I started yesterday. One of the default emails, points to Gmail being named the number 2 Best Product of 2005.

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Linux One Liner – Finding Stuff

Let’s say you created a file in your home directory but can’t work out which directory you put it in. <br /> $ find ~ -name somefile.txt<br /> You can replace ~ (tilda) with a directory e.

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Linux One Liner – Parsing long HTML urls

Ever wanted to look at a long HTML URL more easily, say to investigate a parameter. Here is a search from MapQuest. <br /> $ echo "[insert url here]" | | tr "&#038;?

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Linux One Liner – Security

Here are a few useful one liners for Linux Security. View current packet filtering rules. (i.e. what can and can’t access your computer. <br /> $ iptables -L<br /> On older distros, iptables may not be in place.

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Linux One Liner – Using the manual

For users of Linux regardless of the skill level, using the OS manual is invaluable. Frank gives an example using crontab at Viewing a specific version of a man page , but as with Linux there is always more then one way to skin a cat.

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Some of Mike’s Useful Sites

I haven’t seen any blogging in my normal readings from Mike lately, so taking a quick look directly at his blog. He has certainly been busy in other areas. Some great tibbits and websites.

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Linux One Liner – Calculating Used Diskspace

You can easily see the state of diskspace used with the command. <br /> $ df<br /> However, often you want to know where most of the diskspace is being taken.

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New Category – Linux One Liners

I came across Frank’s blog Programming – Powerful One liners – “What can a one liner do for you?” Great Idea, I often use one line Linux commands and in my current consulting role, I’m being asked more and more Linux questions, which often result in a one Line answer.

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MySQL Ideas

Seems I have over time, thought of many ideas, jotted some notes on some, and even done some work, but everybody knows that “home projects” can take a long time.

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