Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.

I recently deployed a new WordPress installation to my existing production webserver running Apache, MySQL and PHP for other websites, yet I was presented with the following message.

“Your PHP installation appears to be missing the MySQL extension which is required by WordPress.”

This thread at did not help me, however I was able to solve the problem, but this thread is now marked as closed. That’s poor form because I can’t share the solution I found.

My PHP configuration file did not have the following.


Adding this and restarting Apache did not fix the problem.

The problem was more fundamental and required PHP to be recompiled. Orginally PHP was configured with the ‘–with-mysqli’ option. PHP requires the ‘–with-mysql’ which is rather stupid they have this dependency.

Recompiling PHP and adding the necessary extension were both necessary to get my new WordPress installation operational.

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