Using Parrallels as a VM for Windows

$ su –
$ Parallels-config
Configuring Parallels Workstation 2.0 build 1514
Configuring Parallels Workstation 2.0 drivers…
Compiling Parallels Workstation 2.0 drivers…
Drivers have been compiled successfully.
Installing drivers…
Starting drivers…
Load Parallels Workstation 2.0 hypervisor …
Load Parallels Workstation 2.0 vm-main …
Load Parallels Workstation 2.0 vm-bridge …
Load Parallels Workstation 2.0 vmvirtualnic …
Configuration completed successfully
Now you can run Parallels Workstation 2.0
Issue “Parallels” command.

You have an interface now to configure your Virtual Machine settings, including memory and disk very easily.

Some observations.
The install process is more true Windows XP, format drive, reboot, all options etc. With Win4LinPro a lot of this was shielded (which was impressive in itself).

The Parallels VM runs in it’s on window, but you get locked in when you mouse click to focus. Using Ctrl-Alt, your focus is returned to your host environment.

Parallels is clearly a more rounded product, providing many more host environments. The interface provides a lot more virtual feel. You have Disk/CD/Network/Sound icons embedded in the window

In this install sound also worked by default, it did not in Win4LinPro. The playing of audio was actually a good indicator during the Windows activation process (which wasn’t in Win4LinPro) as you could here the delays in extensive CPU processing.

Parallels required you to run as root, while Win4LinPro disallowed root invocation. You were also given the opporunity to configure Windows users, while in Win4LinPro it just masked an administrator behind the scenes.

In defense of Win4Lin Pro, it clearly took away a lot of steps in the normal windows installation which made it clearly easier to install.

For Win4Lin Pro, it would not accepted my laptop Windows XP Pro CD (as it was not SP1 or SP2).
The specs for Parallels stated it would work, however I used anothe Windows XP Pro CD with SP1.
Surprisingly in the activation process, I could not use the Serial Number for my Laptop Windows XP, I had to use the serial Number for my SP1 CD. Not to bother, I own both, and use neither, it was just interesting to see Microsoft reject a valid serial number.

Tagged with: General Windoze

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