It’s just three weeks now before the 2008 MySQL Conference
. Good to see my mug shot on the front page (see screen shot below).
I will still be presenting my session Top 20 DB Design Tips Every Architect Needs to Know
, however as a departing MySQL Employee I’ve had to give up the chance to present the “MySQL for Oracle DBA’s Bootcamp” tutorial, content that I developed for MySQL specifically and have already presented three one day seminars in New York, San Francisco and Washington DC.
_Update March 26 2008. I should clarify that I notified MySQL as part of my exit items that I would not be able to present the Tutorial. I would very much like to, and being the author of the content I am well qualified, however as this was developed for MySQL and will be again used by MySQL in the future I felt it was inappropriate that a non MySQL employee and a recent departed employee was presenting this content. I did not want for any attendees to be confused or see a potential conflict of interest and I wanted to ensure I kept my distance from the strict Sun Intellectual Policy procedures.
Kickfire formally C2 App a Diamond sponsor will be something I’m very interested in seeing, MySQL being written specifically in hardware. A few talks I’ll be interested in seeing include Securing MySQL for a Security Audit by Brian Miezejewski, Disaster is Inevitable—Are You Prepared? by Farhan Mashraqi, Developing Information Schema plugins by Mark Leith, Astronomy, Petabytes and MySQL and System Techniques to Remove I/O Bottlenecks in Large Query Intensive Applications .
What impact will Sun Microsystems a Platinum sponsor and acquirer of MySQL have at the conference? CEO Johnathan Schwartz will be following former CEO Marten Mickos’ open keynote with Open Source: The Heart of the Network Economy . There are a number of Sun related talks and Sun employees speaking. I’m sure attendance numbers of Sun employees will be up also.
PrimeBase Technologies will be out in force at the <a href="Exhibitors hall , so be sure to stop by and say hello, and get a free t-shirt from them.