Twitter Tips

I have in the past questioned the value of Twitter as an effective business tool, but it continues to defy the trend of inability to bridge the business gap with social media.

Even with still continual growth problems (at least it’s not down as much) Twitter is everywhere I go, see or do. You see it at business events, business cards, meetups even on CNN Headline News. There are so many various differ twitter sites, applications, widgets etc, I’m surprised there isn’t a twitter index just of the twitter related sites.

I have now incorporated Twitter into my professional site and I’m using this micro-blogging approach more to share my professional skills and interests to my growing band of followers. I don’t expect to make the Twitter top list which is headed by CNN Breaking News with 667,353 followers.

Even Lance Armstrong (who rates 9th) used Twitter for press releases this week of his injuries.

For more reading check out How Twitter Makes You A Better Writer and 27 Twitter Applications Your Small Business Can Use Today .

I was surprised to see How to get a job by blogging: Tips for a setting up the kind of professional blog that will get you hired , barely mention Twitter.

Now be sure to add a background appropriate to your Twitter. This one is wicked.

Tagged with: General Twitter Web Web Sites

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