Tracking new AWS Database Infrastructure Availability

Tracking new AWS Database Infrastructure Availability

AWS can drop 10+ articles a day just in the What’s New feed. You either need an eagle eye, or luck to keep up if you run multiple AWS database products across multiple regions and managing infrastructure. If your deploying to recently new regions like Mexico or Thailand, these may be important developments.

Jignesh Shah posted in LI recently Amazon RDS for PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MariaDB now supports M8g and R8g database instances in additional AWS Regions which is great as I saw it in my feed, but I missed other database infrastructure news.

I was able to validate this new change using Instance Hunt . What I also found was another announcment and verification, but additional new Instance families in those new regions were I didn’t see any news feed.

New AWS RDS Instance Families 2025-03 AWS RDS Instance Families 2025-01

What I also found was that RDS Aurora now has broad support for r8g across eu-west-1, eu-south-2, eu-north-1, ap-soutt-1, ap-northest-2, ap-southeast-2. So I was able to revisit the What’s New feed and find it Amazon Aurora now supports R8g database instances in additional AWS Regions . But if you missed it, is that important for you.

What I also found, but I didn't find in the feed (disclaimer it could be buried there somewhere) were additional new families for RDS Aurora in mx-central-1 (Mexico) got r7g, r7i, & t4g. ap-southeast-7 (Thailand) had r7g, but has gained r7i, while ap-southeast-5 (Malaysia) now has r7g and r7i.

New AWS RDS Aurora Instance Families 2025-03 New AWS RDS Aurora Instance Families 2025-03 AWS RDS Aurora Instance Families 2025-01

Also in recent news, Neptune availablilty has grown with Amazon Neptune Database now supports R7i instances and Amazon Neptune Database is now available in AWS Asia Pacific (Malaysia) Region .

New AWS Neptune r7i 2025-03 New AWS Neptune Malaysia 2025-03 AWS AWS Instance Families 2025-01

This is only a weekend side project. Would you subscribe to a feed of instance family changes across AWS database products. Let me know in the comments?

Tagged with: AWS Databases InstanceTypes

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