The pursuit of a synchronous world

Well at least your MySQL database world.

As Paul eluded to , PrimeBase Technologies has a project to provide synchronous replication for MySQL in a High Availability environment. It is more then an idea, there is a plan.

Is it possible?
What are the use cases?
How can you use it?
Would you use it?

Some input to date. We need these questions and more, and we seeking more input for discussion.

Unfortunately the opportunity to hear any input during a presentation is left to the last day of the conference, so there has been created a BoF session on Tuesday night for a round table discussion if necessary. People are encouraged to bring specific cases and situations for feedback, the reasons why MySQL Replication, MySQL Cluster, DRBD/HeatBeat or any other solution does not satisfy your needs, and what would.

If you can’t wait you may need to seek out Booth #518, and make a time to seek out the Technology Expert.

Just today, Peter Zaitsev of MySQL Performance Blog also writes in State of MySQL Market and will Replication live ? , “Customers are constantly asking me if there is something which would help them to scale MySQL and get some HA out of the box even on the medium level. Seriously – MySQL Cluster, Continuent, Master-Master Replication, DRBD or SAN based HA architectures all have their limits which makes neither of them used for very wide class of applications.” to confirm this pursuit.

Tagged with: Databases MySQL MySQL User Conferences MySQL Users Conference 2008 PBXT PrimeBase Technologies Storage Engines Transactional

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