Support the MySQL Community Photo Day

Updated On good advice from Sheeri I made a few comments clearer.

It has been proposed that the integral “MySQL Community Photo Day” be on Thursday April 17 2008, the final day of the MySQL Users Conference.

Wear a t-shirt from an open source community project on Thursday, whether a PrimeBase PBXT one or your favorite open source project. Get your photo taken with the masses of community supporters. If your not attending this year, this doesn’t mean you can’t also contribute a photo yourself from what location you are from. Save a saving fund for next year but get us a photo.

It doesn’t have to just be Thursday, photos will be accepted at any time before then. Upload a photo and win a prize. (Baron you definitely get chocolate)
Their is a Flickr group called “MySQL Community Photo Day” at

This is a chance for you to support the community. There is already a small band of supporters before my post already including Colin C, Paul M, Lenz G, Baron S, Sheeri K.

Tagged with: Databases MySQL MySQL User Conferences MySQL Users Conference 2008

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