Patience and Passion at Web 2.0 NY

Gary Vaynerchuk spoke next at Web 2.0 NY on Building Personal Brand Within the Social Media Landscape .

He was hilarious. His video presentation is available online , to share with others. He is inspirational for new young entrepreneur and I’d love to see him talk at Ultra Light Startups

His talk was simply “Patience and Passion”.

Words of wisdom included.

  • There is no reason to do stuff you hate.
  • You can loose just as much money doing stuff you love.
  • What do you want to do for the rest of my life, do it.
  • Hussle is the most important word. We are building businesses here.
  • You can monetize anything, you need to work hard, be patient and passionate about your business.
  • You have to have a business model, that makes some cash along the way – Freemium.
  • Your goal should be to leave a legacy.
  • You need to build brand equity, in yourself. There is never a bad time when you believe, when you work hard, when you know what you are doing.
  • People are the people that are going to help you, get out there and network, be transparent, be exposed.
  • Previously you had to work hard to build a brand, now you can use any network to become known and more successful.
  • 9-5 is for your job, a few hours with your family, then 7-2am is plenty of time to focus on your dreams.

In closing, you have to do what you love.

Tagged with: Web Web 2.0 NY

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