Our third keynote at MySQL Conference 2007 was titled Building the Ultimate Database Container with RHEL, MySQL, and Virtualization by Michael Evans.
The presentation was on Red Hat & One Laptop Per Child. His initial Quote was “Thinking Past Platforms: The Next Challenge for Linux”, By Doc Sears, 2007-04-16 http://www.linuxjournal.com/node/1000210
- A Non profit idea from Nicholas Negroponte.
- Aim is to build & distribute inexpensive laptop systems to primary & secondary school students worldwide.
- Sell to young children in developing countries.
In summary at presentation to Red Hat — “Non-profit, run by a professor, we make hardware and sell to governments.”
The overall dynamics have attracted a lot of interesting people in the world.
The ability and goal is to make the device together, bringing all H/W and S/W people together.
The people that get behind this project have the ethos — “I’m willing to jump into this to change the world.”
This is the first time for a new opportunity in the last 10 years.
The sugar user interface is a completely new experience.
When the UI designer was presenting to a room of head executives. “What ever advice you got, keep it to yourself, your not the target market.”
One key point — No backward compatibility needs.
More information at www.laptop.org . Wikipedia Reference . Some videos at You Tube Inside One Laptop per Child: Episode one and Slightly better demo of the OLPC User Interface .