It’s an early start this morning at 8:20am at MySQL Conference 2007 with CEO Mårten Mickos keynote talk Welcome and State of MySQL AB.
Here are some of the key points that impressed on me.

Open Source disrupts inefficient models and produces new wealth.
Architecture of Participation.
- GPL and FOSS licenses
MySQL Architecture of Participation
You have the forge, the planet, community contributer program and many more.
Production of Amateurs
- You Tube
- Second Life
- Wikipedia
Some really great Quotes:
“Fail often to succeed soon.” IDEO company slogan
“Noah’s Ark was built by amateurs, but the Titanic by professionals.”
Innovation Happens Here
MySQL Monitoring & Advisory Service
In his presentation of MySQL Network Enterprise Dashboard, If you were quick you would have noticed the MySQL Version 6.0.0-alpha-pb518.log
Leading Applications
- Open Source ISVs
- Web
- Web 2.0
- On-Demand
- Hosting
- Telco & VOIP
- Security
- Enterptise 2.0
- Hub & Spoke
We want to be known as The Online Database.
Drawn to the Lamp
- Microsoft
- Oracle
- Sun
- HP
- Dell
- Unisys
They all have an Open Source strategy, the develop open source products, they use and partner with MySQL.
He also mentioned MySQL Enterprise Connection Alliance – MECA.
Global Distributed Organization
- 70% work from home
- 100 major locations in nearly 30 different countries.
- There is a great focus on culture – global culture.
Disruptive Businesses
A smarter way to produce the goods
A smarter way to distribute them
Serve the underserved
Keep it simple
Innovate with technology to give customers more convenience
Make money
Gartner: 66% of enterprises are deploying MySQL or planning to
750,000 newsletter subscribers
MySQL installed in over 11 million installations
Going Forward
- Scalability
- Availability
- Manageability