MySQL Camp II – Memorable Quotes Day 1

Better late then never, this week I finally have the chance to catch up on some overdue posts. At the first MySQL Camp I made a list of memorable Quotes, see Day 1 , Day 2 , Day 3 . I didn’t get as much chance as last time, however here are some pearls of the recent MySQL Camp II .

“I walked in of the street for the free food. I’m here for the free education” – Adrian.

“I’m his boss, I’m here to make sure he’s really here, and not playing hooky.”

“Mashups, collating the worse bugs from multiple API’s all in one place” – OSCON badge

“Compiles 114,000 combinations of MySQL that we are interested in.” Sandro – Skoll Project — You mean to say there are are combinations your not interested in.

“Ok, people this is the second site were are going to crash today. You have heard you have been slash dotted, now you have been camped.”

Jay turning down the lights, to the whole auditorm, not just the stage. “That won’t work. My paper isn’t backlit.” — Andrew

Jeremy: “It’s a porn site.”
Sheeri: “ it’s not a porn site, I work for a porn site.”

Jeremy: “You don’t realize how many Google properties you use, google reader was down, google search was down, google maps was down.”
Sheeri: “I had to use Yahoo maps, I feel so dirty.”

Jay: “How many people are interested in a tour of the MySQL Source Code.”
Jeremy II: “It is a guided tour, isn’t it.”

“I can’t remember if was the cold, hot or luke warm”. — Bob, In the backup talk.

“How many environments have it. They all have the presumption of it.”

Tagged with: Databases MySQL MySQL Camp 2 - 2007

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