I am a very strong proponent of Open Source (excluding my Macbook). Joining MySQL Inc was a wonderful achievement, being part of the team behind the most popular open source database. Leaving MySQL was not an easy decision due to the people, but the Sun transition and requirements did help. However it is no surprise I am joining another open source company – Primebase Technologies in Hamburg, Germany. My association with the MySQL Community will only be strengthened with my full work and support behind the PBXT and Blob Streaming pluggable storage engines for MySQL.
It is actually poetic that I am joing Primebase for I have the auspicious recognition while an active part of the MySQL community of introducing Paul McCullagh to MySQL some 2 years ago. Only weeks later, PBXT was MySQL news in the opening CEO keynote my Marten Mickos at the 2006 MySQL Users Conference .
I expect this opportunity will increase my contributions, in particular in the lacking areas of instrumentation and memory management. As well I will now be focusing my efforts on MySQL 5.1 and ensuring this is of the highest quality for the MySQL Community. While my open source code contributions have been small to date, my first some years ago adding in JMeter support for MySQL Stored procedures and Transactions, the feeling of seeding instead of leaching is a wonderful thing. I look forward to a greater opportunity with the team at Primebase Technologies.