multi-threaded memcached

I discovered while compiling Wafflegrid today that by default, the Ubuntu binaries for memcached are not-multithreaded.

Following the installation of memcached from apt-get and libmemcached I ran memslap for:

$ memslap -s localhost
    Threads connecting to servers 1
    Took 1.633 seconds to load data

$ memstat -s localhost
Listing 1 Server

Server: localhost (11211)
     pid: 23868
     uptime: 54
     time: 1244575816
     version: 1.2.2
     pointer_size: 32
     rusage_user: 0.90000
     rusage_system: 0.120000
     curr_items: 10000
     total_items: 10000
     bytes: 5430000
     curr_connections: 1
     total_connections: 3
     connection_structures: 2
     cmd_get: 0
     cmd_set: 10000
     get_hits: 0
     get_misses: 0
     evictions: 0
     bytes_read: 5430000
     bytes_written: 5430000
     limit_maxbytes: 0
     threads: 1

By installed the Latest RC 1.4.0 we see.

memslap -s localhost
    Threads connecting to servers 1
    Took 0.866 seconds to load data

memstat -s localhost

Listing 1 Server

Server: localhost (11211)
     pid: 8651
     uptime: 375
     time: 1244577237
     version: 1.4.0-rc1
     pointer_size: 32
     rusage_user: 0.110000
     rusage_system: 0.130000
     curr_items: 10000
     total_items: 10000
     bytes: 5510000
     curr_connections: 5
     total_connections: 8
     connection_structures: 6
     cmd_get: 0
     cmd_set: 10000
     get_hits: 0
     get_misses: 0
     evictions: 0
     bytes_read: 5510000
     bytes_written: 5510000
     limit_maxbytes: 0
     threads: 5

Thanks Matt for pointing that one out.

Tagged with: Databases General Linux Memcached MySQL Open Source Ubuntu Wafflegrid

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